Reviews for Just a Lifetime Too Early
NLambert chapter 1 . 3/12/2016
I just love this story. Usually I don't like AU stories but this one had a nice flow to it and made sense. Great
Guest chapter 20 . 3/11/2013
I really enjoyed this story. One of the best AU stories I've ever read. Great Job!
Smk fan chapter 20 . 2/2/2013
Terrific story. Really enjoyed reading it.
ShelleyBarnard chapter 20 . 3/29/2011
I really enjoyed that. Your early Amanda is still her, but not quite the woman we saw in the show. I'm very impressed with how subtlety and believably you showed her growth. Also, I like the idea of a younger Lee with a friend. Thanks for sharing!
Terry Kay chapter 20 . 8/2/2009
Very, very good AU! Flowed together well thru all the years. I really enjoyed it! Hope you got on with writing your own original works. If you did and let me know where they are published, I would love to get them. Thank you!
BrittanyLS chapter 20 . 9/4/2005
I love how the kisses in the last chapter tied into the ending! Great story!
BrittanyLS chapter 19 . 9/4/2005
Can they just admit their feelings already? :-D I'm loving this story! I miss SMK so much!
klfduchess chapter 20 . 8/29/2005
What a wonderful surprise! Thank you so much for finishing it.

I truly hope you get new inspiration soon and continuing writing as I do enjoy reading them!
Dawn chapter 20 . 8/29/2005
OOH YES! I've been hoping for so long to see this! LOVED IT! Hope you do another story in the future if possible.
CW chapter 20 . 8/28/2005
I can't believe you finally finished it! Thanks so much I'd given up hope. It just goes to show you it's never too late to put to rest your old stories.
smkfan chapter 19 . 1/15/2005
This is great! I just read thru the chapters in one sitting. I can't wait for more.
Toad chapter 19 . 12/24/2004
This is such a great story. I especially liked the end of the last chapter. Thanks for posting this now. It's a great Christmas present. Good luck on getting the last two chapters done. I know you won't let us readers down. Thanks!
Momm2five chapter 19 . 12/20/2004

Wow. I was SO glad to see another chapter up! Can't wait for the next one. This is a great story.

Have a wonderful Christmas!
Toad chapter 17 . 10/27/2004
I so love this story! Thanks so much for updating. Poor Amanda, though. I hope she succeeds in this. Thanks for working on this, and not leaving it unfinished. It is much too good of a story for that.
Debbie Mote chapter 17 . 10/4/2004
Please finishe this story I love reading it.


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