Reviews for You Know This Is A Bad Idea Right?
wryamIhere chapter 1 . 9/11/2004
In the tradition of old...


"I am not an animal..kid!"

One and the same? O.o *luffs on fic* XD

Blinded Savior chapter 21 . 9/17/2003
Please update soon! These are really good and funny stories but one complaint. KURAMA AND KUWABARA PAIRING IS GROSS DISGUSTING AND WRONG! After I read that you put them together I ranted my a$$ off for like 3 hours.
blackdragon chapter 2 . 7/29/2003
you know, that was actully funny. What am i saying that was HALARIUS!(i dont think i spelled that write) thunder dragon yo gotta read this!
inudbz chapter 21 . 6/21/2003
you have to write more. _

it was great!
spooky maho chapter 2 . 6/6/2003

they when to disney land!

i laughed i cried and fell of my chair! _

but other then that it was hellarius!

*whips tears from eyes* now i will gi recomend fanfic' to friends...
Aya the Destoryer chapter 1 . 5/15/2003
Look now, FINISH THE STORY OR I WILL SIC MY RABID SHEEP ON YOU. Just kidding. I do like the story. HAHAHAHAHA Kurama threatened to rip of Hiei's balls ans show them down his throat. I want to see that. Please finish the story. *deep breath* please
Aisha again chapter 21 . 5/11/2003
eh, I remembered that there was a war of the ring. .'

Umm, how bouts Kurama takes the One Ring and with two rings he runs off and dominates the world? Makes an alliance with aliens and hes like this all mighty demon lord of ningenkai, takes over makai and soon storms reikai and overthrows koenma and everyone is at a loss of what to do...then sauron comes and its this almighty fight for the ring and Kurama's other ring is out of power so he cant use it...

I dunno what else.
Aisha not logged in due to reasons laziness no dicipline chapter 21 . 5/11/2003
I have been reading your fic for quite a while and I really enjoy it. Actually, I think I like them being so OOC. It shows a even more interesting side. _

Kurama is most interesting/funny when he's mad.

Ideas, ne? Well, how about a trip to the bath house?

In Japan, they have public bathhouses where strangers (of the same gender, of course) all get stripped to the skin and use the same hot tub. Hiei and Kurama's escapade through the hot waters of the public bath house! Ohohohoho

er... eheh. hope you update soon.
Deatomaru105 chapter 11 . 4/27/2003
Oh my God, your story is so funny, i can't wait to read the rest.
Gunslinger chapter 21 . 4/22/2003
Yo, whatzup? Great story. Realy BADASS
Gunslinger chapter 21 . 4/22/2003
Yo, whatzup? Great story. Realy BADASS
Dark and Deluded Child chapter 21 . 4/19/2003
THIS IS REALLY FUNNY! Stupid, although funny none the less! please continue soon. Kurama is stupid?

Selen: Sometimes.

Midnight: How?

Selen: "I think our most inteligent fighter is about to do something really stupid!" This is Koenma-sama talking about Kurama-chan.

Midnight: Oh, okiedokie! Write more soon! Byee.

Selen: Till next time!

~Sailor Midnight

gandolegornliodorypinieieta chapter 14 . 3/12/2003
i dont usually read yaoi, but since this one is a funny yaoi, i like it. keep this up, and you should get an award.
Karalen the Wood Elf chapter 21 . 2/9/2003
Karalen: New ideas? Hmm...

Kurama could realize that the ONE RING is more powerful than his own ring and tries to steal it. The Fellowship fight against him, but with Hiei on his side...Hiei and Kurama loose. But, there's the shounen ai ending! El Nino must be in it! (glomps El Nino) Continue please!
Lady BlackDragonFire chapter 21 . 2/9/2003
Um ... I'm all fresh out of ideas. I can't even think of what to write in my own stories! Sad, isn't it? So, um, best of luck and try to get past writer's block soon!
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