Reviews for Merely Players
PurpleAiko chapter 41 . 7/17
I feel like DJ Khaled with your stories every. time: "Another one, another one, another one...", etc. WHAT ANOTHER AMAZING STORY! AHHHHHH! Thank you so so much for creating this, and allowing me to enjoy it as well! I think you have only one more long story before I have to cry and try to pick up the pieces of my longing heart for more stories of these two and with your vernacular! Thank you so much again! 3 - Morissa (From PEI!)
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 41 . 2/24
Wow! What an ending! Love it!
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 30 . 2/24
Well, I didn't see that coming. xD
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 16 . 2/24
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 15 . 2/24
This chapter brought a huge smile on my face.
Way to effing go, Molly!
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 14 . 2/24
I read this story because I was bored but I find myself so invested in this story now and I can feel Molly's feelings, everything! I can feel her nervousness, her anger, the butterflies in her stomach. Argh! Why is this happening!
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 10 . 2/24
Thank goodness she's alive.
CumberBiscuit02 chapter 9 . 2/24
Poor Paula!
ad-iuficium chapter 41 . 11/30/2017
Perfect! Wonderful! Bloody brilliant! I just don't have enough words to describe this lovely fic of yours. Thank you!
-Andriana, Greece
Yo chapter 41 . 2/25/2017
How does this only have 130 reviews?! I absolutely loved it, it was so great! O hope you write some more like this. Thank you!
bgm76 chapter 41 . 9/12/2016
Just read this story over the weekend - I stayed up until 2am last night finishing. Wow, what an amazing story. It has the perfect mix of mystery and smut. I was truly kept guessing how it would all turn out (especially the mystery, as you said you don't do unhappy endings so I knew the romance would end up fine in the end), and you truly succeeded at weaving a complex and compelling narrative together so masterfully.
Bergamotte chapter 41 . 2/27/2016
Wow, wow, wow, Maejones ... this was an amazing fic. I've enjoyed your one-shots, but this one may be your best work. I loved it. It's not only a great character study of Molly and Sherlock, but it's also a terrific mystery. I have to confess I enjoy a story in which Molly shows she can be a BAMF. The bodyguard brothers were fun too, especially when one of them revealed himself to be a budding physicist. Goes to show we shouldn't pigeonhole people ... I hope you write more of these longer stories, as you definitely have it in you to be a novelist. Thanks for sharing Merely Players!
Miranda Aurelia chapter 41 . 1/27/2016
Loved this fic! It had everything I wanted - great writing, suspense, non-OOC characters and a happy ending! Thank you so much for writing this story.
SammyKatz chapter 40 . 8/5/2015
Kehwie chapter 41 . 7/21/2015
Awwwww...such a sweet ending.

You are such a brilliant writer. Really. Just amazing. I may have said this before, but if so it bears repeating. This is one of those fics where I'm glad to reach the end, to see how it all comes together and how all the pieces fit. (And they do so beautifully.) Buf I'm also sad that it's over and there won't be more to come.

I'll just have to favorite and reread often! :)
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