Reviews for Operation: White Whale
Green-Eyes-and-Bushy-Hair chapter 133 . 2/12/2018
I did not expect it to escalate that much. Ryan was such a goof lol three times! I am glad I finished this, it was so worth it.
JennaBennett chapter 132 . 7/29/2017
You melded these two worlds so well, Lou. But could you imagine ending a whole tv series without that 6 months later part. I am still so bitter about how Chuck ended. They were married for gods sake - MARRIED! Who does that?!
This fic is magical. Thanks for basically fixing Chuck with it (& enticing me into watching Chuck as a result of it)...

(P.S. Really this is for the last chapter, but I've reviewed that & ff net was not cool with me trying to post a second one. Whoops.)
JennaBennett chapter 109 . 7/29/2017
Excuse me whilst I take a break from reading to watch the scene of Chuck & Sarah waking up in the hotel together times a million...
JennaBennett chapter 80 . 7/29/2017
JennaBennett chapter 47 . 7/29/2017
I absolutely adore that this is chapter 47... Perfection.
JennaBennett chapter 34 . 7/29/2017
GO AWAY JILL... uh Sophia...
JennaBennett chapter 25 . 7/29/2017
Yes! I was just thinking to myself that this crossover needed a Morgan of sorts, & then a sandwich reference! Although, Alexis is infinitely more of an adult than Morgan ;)
JennaBennett chapter 1 . 7/29/2017
Okay, I'm finally reading this again with Chuck fresh in my mind (& all those bloody feelings fresh too & I'm not sure I can handle all the ships/feels this is going to bring up!) But anyway, here we are...
I wish we'd gotten a few more hours of Sarah's logs in that last episode, but I digress...
someheartslove chapter 132 . 7/20/2017
Aaaaahh, so so adorable!
JennaBennett chapter 133 . 6/17/2017
Forgive me for I have sinned & not actually read this until now - my bad!
I got totally sidetracked by the AN at the end because I've never seen Chuck (& now I want to...) I have seen Covert Affairs & it reminded me a little of that too which was fun.
What a fun story! I almost felt like I was reading an actual Nikki Heat/Richard Castle novel in the sense that it was full of familiarity, but with a neat little twist. Very unique idea, can't say I've really read anything like it. My absolute favourite little moment was Jim Beckett showing up to help rescue Alexis. I loved how you included so many different characters from the show in a new context (i.e. Gates, plus all those involved in Beckett's mum's case).
Thanks for improving my Sunday afternoon with quality reading material!
buffymoonxo chapter 133 . 3/5/2017
More on that later.

I think this is the first multi-chap of yours I've read but basically in the final chapter I like to review the story as a whole, hence why this is gonna be the biggest review I leave for you when it comes to Operation: White Whale. So, sorry in advance for the extra reading you'll be doing, but don't worry, it's ALL good things.

Okay, so back to the beginning... This story started out so humorous and exciting. Beckett was this sassy spy who felt like she was literally wasting her time when she could be out saving the world or something, and her first few entries to the log were HILARIOUS. She just didn't want to be there and wasn't afraid to make it known, but while she was being blunt and sassy, it was executed in a funny way so it didn't come off as rude or obnoxious. You did an excellent job at conveying that.

Same with Castle, at the beginning he was the funny, nerdy, manchild we all know and love, spending his days browsing the internet in his underwear. And him do his thing, and her do her thing, that was great. Their two worlds were seperate, and it was fine... BUT THEN THEY MERGED.

And as soon as they began communicating to each other and spending time with each other, EVERYTHING changed. She fell in love with him while she wasn't looking, and it caught her by surprise. He inspired her in every way, something he never saw coming. And it was PERFECT. SO PERFECT!

At the same time this beautiful love story was happening, there was the core plot of the story - the intel, the mission, and solving her mom's murder. With every chapter it seemed more clues were planted and it just kept me at the edge of my seat as I read it. The story really evolved beautifully and you did an outstanding job at tying in the elements of the show into this spy world you created. The fact that you kept bringing in characters I never expected to see here (Agent Sophia, for example), was amazing because it kept surprising me every time it happened, and they all played a part in making this story exceptional.

This is truly one of the best stories I've read featuring that, the way you blend the show into your own little tale and I love it! In fact, this is one of the best stories I've read... period!

It was just perfect in every way and I love how the case got resolved and how they brought down the bad guy (honestly, did not expect to see Gates in this story either but I'm hella happy you brought her in).

And then as you can tell, this story destroyed me quite a few times. When they kissed in chapter 47? I DIED. And the fact that you made it happen in chapter 47 was SO clever too! I adore it!

And then towards the end, when I expected all would be fine now that they arrested Bracken... AND SHE LOST HER FREAKING MEMORY?! OH MY GOD. I was so emotional that I couldn't breathe properly! I was literally so upset because we'd just gone on this amazing journey with this story and suddenly she had NO CLUE what had happened?! Oh my gosh... Honestly, that was painful, but it was such a clever move and honestly, I am happy that's what went down because... It made the ending better.

OKAY! So the ending, the ending was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. Because Kate Beckett was confused, and probably scared, and nothing really made sense. This entire chapter of her life was missing, and everyone else could remember it, but she could not and she really only trusts herself, and so to have that much doubt portrayed the way you did, it was amazing.

I also love that Jim Beckett was the one who ended up talking some sense into her and who gave her the push to call Castle. I don't think she would've done it if he hadn't come to see her because I feel like the old Beckett, the one who didn't know Castle... the only person she really trusts as much as herself is her dad, and so to have him come out and tell her she can trust Castle... That just helped her a lot and it made it even more special that it was coming from her dad, so extra points for Lou for adding that in!

AND THEN SHE WENT TO SEE HIM AT THE SWINGS! THEIR SWINGS! And he told her their story and in that moment he became her storyteller again, and... when she asked him to kiss her because her father believed her memories would come back like in a fairytale... OH, THE EMOTIONS I WAS FEELING.

AND THEN IT HAPPENED. They kissed and she remembered him and them and it was perfect and flawless and then she knew she loved him and that she could trust him! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So. Many. Feels.

And the epilogue was perfect as well. Them being all domestic and in love as she's getting ready for a flight? Ridiculously cute and I love it so much.

I feel like I can't even express how much I love this story because I adore it SO much. And it's not just the story. You and I both know that the day I started reading this was a particularly bad day, and honestly if I wasn't going through so much grief and stress in real life I would've read this faster, but I am kinda happy I didn't. Because this was the beginning of a pretty tough emotional journey for me and throughout this I've dealt with a lot, and changed a lot, and I've made new friends (like you), and just grown more as a person. And the fact that this story was always here for me to come back to while I was dealing with stuff, was such a comfort to me. Me starting this story and finishing this story marks 6 months of personal development for me, so it's special in its own way for that too.

But even if all that stuff hadn't happened, I still would love this story just as much because it is so clever and flawless and perfect, and downright one of the best things I've ever read. So you be proud of your work, because this was exceptional... This was extraordinary... Just like you.

-Linda, xoxo
buffymoonxo chapter 132 . 3/5/2017
He's letting her go.
He is letting her go and letting her decide even though he's in love with her. MADLY IN LOVE WITH HER.
And she just doesn't know and it's leaving me SO emotional.

My heart is hurting for them. My precious babies. I. AM. SOBBING.

-Linda, xoxo.
buffymoonxo chapter 131 . 3/5/2017
Thiiiiiiiiiiis iiiiiiiiiiis heartbreakiiiiiing.
I'm so sad.

She is literally pushing him away because she has no clue who he is and doesn't know about their relationship and he is so hurt and I AM SO HURT.
She needs to remember! It can't end like this, it just can't!

-Linda, xoxo.
buffymoonxo chapter 130 . 3/5/2017
Someone smack some memory into her.



I'm so upset...

-Linda, xoxo.
buffymoonxo chapter 129 . 3/5/2017
I swear to God if this becomes one of those "Kate is in a coma and will never wake up" stories I will actually cry.
This is heartbreaking. I'm so emotional.

I'm happy Alexis is okay, and Hunt as well. Everyone in this story has been through so much and they all need a moment to take a breather and recover from their experiences.

-Linda, xoxo.
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