Reviews for Halo-Naruto: Prologue
Kriegon chapter 12 . 7/18
I got to say this is one of the higher tier of storytelling in a fic. Descriptions of certain scenes are very well done. Character interactions don't sound 2 dimensional. Everything is grounded in the realities of both respective universes.

One thing that stands out the most is Cooper and his squad. Probably my favorite part of the chapter.
Kind of reminds me of the soldiers in the Gaunt's Ghosts novels when it comes to being actual characters. Of course obvious dissimilarities, but a comparison nonetheless. I would like to see more storytelling of them and others in the future.

I look forward for the next chapter, friend.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/1
I kind of want to fire a fully charged MAC round into one of the citys.
Could you please do that? At least once?
Guest chapter 12 . 6/1
Please update the next chapter.
Evinco chapter 12 . 5/9
I see the UNSC development of “chakra” be similar to Boruto and how cyborg are developed.
Many critics addressed how certain people with noble blood lines have any say in the plot, and looking at these point it would be good to have the UNSC react to scientific development and the side character imbalance.
Only a few people with important bloodlines have the power to save humanity because of prophecy. No one else has a say through any of their actions or determination.
As an foreigner looking in, how would they view this world and stay relevant with world level threats?
Goldspark1 chapter 12 . 5/8
Thanks for the chapter and the heads up. Will focus on the new scenes in this review.

While I already complimented this in my previous review, I loved the quote from Xavier Holmes at the beginning of the story talking after the battle. She is not angry at the death but confused on why this went so badly. She is not a soldier who saw the battle first hand and knows why it was so difficult, nor is she a general who can see the bigger picture. A great way to show the civilian side of this conflict. You even follow it up at the end where even command (Klaudia osada) admits mistakes were made.

Loved Subaru's character (This might get a bit long). I know that he is a bad person. He fights and kills for money and just killed a kid. Yet the strategist in me can't fault his logic for attacking his opponent while he was charging up his attack while doing hand signs. Something the characters should have been doing in the original show instead of patiently waiting for your opponent to finish your Jutsu like you are in a RPG (Or DBZ).

Also enjoyed how he actually thought about escaping the island by water walking and explaining the limitations of his powers. Water walking requires a constant stream of chakra that he is running low on and can only go so far on the water before exhaustion take him.

Also also enjoyed how he was quickly able to see the implications these firearms give. You no longer had to train soldiers since they were five years old until they were thirteen to be Genin and a few more years of intense training to become Jonin. If pirates could quickly use them after a few weeks and already have the lethality of a Genin, why put so many resources into Shonibi? Yet he doesn't completely buy this as even if it takes years to learn a jutsu to counter another, their is a possibility a ninja out there will discover a jutsu perfect against a opponent(s) with guns.

Thought him using his own headband as a makeshift band aid was a nice idea. You need to stop the bleeding somehow.

Liked his reasoning for why he surrendered. His boss is only paying him, that's it. He has no emotional reason to keep fighting for the Sea Confederacy. Also, he saw from his own observations that the 'UNSC' (Using air quotes as I still don't know what they call themselves) do take prisoners. Something that is quite rare in the elemental nations. This also matches up with real history where absolute monarchies have a big problem with troop desertion because the only reason the soldier stays loyal is for a paycheck yet the second bullets start flying, who would want to die for a leader you may despise.

Also thought it was intelligent how the 'UNSC' sorted all the ninja bodies from the rest. They have spooky powers only they can do with deadly surprises. Even hoping the moon shonibi ask to dissect the corpses with the scientists to see if they can learn anything useful like a powerful jutsu.

Another great event was Subaru talking with Shaw. Shaw is just glad to see these supermen can still bleed like another human while Subaru is wise to point out that their are many dangerous shonibi out there with terrifying abilities.

Thought his foresight on just how ingenious the MRE's to be was well executed. With malnutrition being a very real problem in this time period, it is entirely possible battles could be won or lost if food cannot be logistically provided. Sure, this can be offset by having the shonibi be excellent foragers and hunters, yet this will be different for each environment.

Also liked the return of shonibi pride for Subaru. Hey, I worked hard to be this good of a killer! My bounty should be at least twenty million ryo!

Do not know if this was intentional but enjoyed the different ways the soldiers acted compared to the shonibi. The soldiers have no problem sharing their thoughts and are quite vocal about them. While Subaru and the Moon shonibi were not as vocal and instead conveyed their thoughts through body language and action. I found this hilarious as on a battlefield, it seems like shonibi have no problem going into monologue mode during a fight yet off the battlefield, can act quiet and reserved.

On to Jirayah, thanks for having him make tactical use of his reverse summoning technique. If you could teleport halfway across the world, wouldn't that make traveling by foot obsolete? Yet you can only go to a set destination so its use does have some limitations. Also great job on the interrogation. No prisoner was physically hurt and the genjutsu art may prove to be very useful.
BrutusPrimus chapter 12 . 5/8
Keep up the good work!
singpu chapter 12 . 5/7
nuke or MOAB are the way forward.. just blast everything ur way
N1cok chapter 12 . 5/7
Nice chapter.
Ferno16 chapter 12 . 5/7
UNSC vs Konoha... shit is going to get real nasty when it blows.
BrutusPrimus chapter 11 . 4/19
Nice job on this!
John Lenard chapter 11 . 4/18
If shit goes south just nuke em from orbit.

That always works.
MarauderPrime12 chapter 11 . 4/18
Excellent chapter as always
It lives!
Goldspark1 chapter 11 . 4/17
I don't have much more to say I have already said in my previous reviews. Though I did notice in the last letter of this chapter. With the paragraph starting with Solomon, you say evacing, which I am not sure is a word and meant to say evacuating.

Most look forward to the theme of involvement from the Dominion to the elemental nations. Will this be a complete victory where the Dominion suffer so few casualties, they are emboldened to get more involved with the elemental nations? Or will this be a pyrrhic victory where the Dominion is much more careful about getting involved in wars with shonibi?
Ferno16 chapter 11 . 4/17
Pride before the fall... sigh. idiots. If you can't stand each other, why the fuck did you agree to escape the war in the first place!
SSJ Red graffiti chapter 10 . 1/8
im glad this continued! thanks to this, I'm suddenly pumped to continue writing my own Halo Fiction!
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