Reviews for Death of The Demon King
CocoBe78 chapter 10 . 10/10
Wundervolle Geschichte. Bitte schreib bald weiter!
akuathedragonlookout chapter 9 . 3/17
I am exacited to see the next chapter of this fanfiction. It is sad that Yuri died in his castle while he was sleeping but never the less i am looking forward to a new chapter to come
StardustDusk chapter 9 . 3/17
I really hope this can continue i am feeling giddy about this fanfiction. Not to mention so of it is sad but we are all hoping we can read this when a new chapter comes out.
Natsuyuuki chapter 9 . 2/9
uhmm... thanks for update?
Guest chapter 9 . 2/9
Guest chapter 8 . 10/22/2018
Why do all the writers about kyou Kara maou always leave at a cliffhanger makes no sense sometimes...
3UKzW chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c3zS4st0riFZ
1Rt8v chapter 1 . 9/1/2018
Veri n1c36zust0riUv
Natsuyuuki chapter 8 . 8/6/2018
KuroCiel chapter 8 . 7/30/2018
LONG TIME NO SEE! I have missed this so much so thank you for updating! :D
KuroCiel chapter 5 . 5/12/2017
Wow... You updated! You don't know how much it shocked med to see this story in my mail. O.o THANKS YOU SO MUCH! I look forward to more
kazeninatte07 chapter 4 . 9/19/2015
Im curious about the mystery behind this. I felt especially sad about Wolfram's reaction. :( looking forward to reading more!
BlackNoblesse chapter 4 . 8/7/2015
Awwwwwww they wanted to die to be with him
Guest chapter 4 . 6/13/2015
Please, pleasr, please! Continueeeeeeeee
Trazedone chapter 4 . 6/10/2015
This is sad, but also somewhat realistic. I feel especially for Conrad, Wolfram, and Greta. But also for Yuuri! Gwendal seems stoically in character, and Gunter is being surprisingly calm and non-dramatic. Yuuri's death has brought out his mature side. Conrad's reaction also seemed quite in-character for him - he would indeed blame himself unjustly, and would physically lash out at inanimate things to vent his pain - we've seen this in the episodes. Nice. (and I'm glad he saved Greta's life.) He is so tied-up in Yuuri's welfare that Gwendal better watch out for his little brother so that he doesn't do something dangerously stupid to himself. And Wolfram's idea of going to Shinou was a good one - if only it would work!

I'm afraid I disagree with one of your other reviewers. I don't think this story needs to have a pairing at all, Wolfyuu or any other - it's more like the actual anime this way, and we can more easily get into the heads (and hearts) of ALL the characters as they come to terms with their loss and their grief. Yuuri is important to them all, and they are EACH important to him.

I hope you have a firm idea of where you want to take this story - I'm curious as to what will become of the assassin - I do know that Yuuri himself wouldn't support the man being executed, especially on Yuuri's behalf.

Well, I've rambled on quite a while here - sorry! But Good luck with the rest!

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