Reviews for Criminally Magic
Guest chapter 20 . 9/1
I dunno. I liked the story, but the whole thing seems to lack...problems..? Uh. (She could see sincerity in them)? The wording seems kinda unrealistic.
I am glad that I’m not the only one who though these two would make a good couple. And I like where this is going.
LadyQuinzel chapter 31 . 7/16
Hey, is it possible for you to mark where the whole Hogwarts tale begins and ends next time you write a HP fanfic? For myself (and millions of others) who has read and watched Harry Potter countless times, it gets boring reading all the details in a fic. I'd rather just skip it and get on with the rest of the story. Next time you can just indicate where it begins and ends, please.

Your story is going great, by the way. Few spelling and grammar errors, but it's nothing major. Awesome plot. Everyone's in character so far. Good job.
AshLiz chapter 35 . 7/13
Great story
Zenia chapter 1 . 5/7
I never thought I'd read a Harry Potter/Criminal Minds crossover but I'll keep reading! This looks like something I may like!
Schwips chapter 38 . 1/17
I really loved the idea of the criminal minds world and wizards crashing together.
Really great thank you
Ethan76 chapter 17 . 4/28/2019
As for a pet, she had a half-kneazle, basically a cat that was magically bred to have more intelligence. It's up to you if he (the cat) died before this point, she had it since her third year so it wouldn't be surprising either way. In other comments, I've noticed you tend to say "did not," when it sounds less clunky to say "didn't."
Ethan76 chapter 14 . 4/28/2019
I feel like it could use an edit (Spelling errors and things like that in most chapters) and not that it's a huge deal but the Lupins died at the Battle of Hogwarts. I understand it's an AU, but it just seemed odd. Same deal with Luna's creatures, they seem close to what was mentioned in the books, but not exact. They are made up creatures, so it doesn't really matter. It just seemed like you were trying to match them. For example, "Wrackspurts" are cannon you sad wacksput or something similar. Anyway, love the story/concept!
S.R and H.G chapter 2 . 11/23/2018
I say she had a good frist meet with everyone so far that's good and really not at all surprising I believe her frist meet with JJ and Spancer will go just as smooth. You know who Garcia reminds me of in Harry Potter character Luna Lovegood, I don't know if any of the others remind me of any Harry Potter character other the Reid who of a reminds me of Hermione herself. If I find that any if them so remind me of a Harry Potter l"ll tell you snd why. Garcia reminds me of Lunabecouse of her cockiness and the way she dresses and Reid reminds me if Hermione because if his genuineness and his loyalty to his friends. Sorry for any miss spelling it is my enemy.
S.R and H.G chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
Good to know that the necklace that Harry had gave Hermione in the story previous is keeping Hermione's nightmares away like it is a supposed to do. Hopefully she'll never have to use the necklace this way...but if she ever needs Harry and or Ron hopefully she'll be able to get in contact with them in the way it supposed to seeming how Remus help made it, I believe it will. Out of all the to meet frist would befir JJ then Hotchner or Garciathen Hotcheneror realy anybody else on that team then Hitchner I know he is the boss so she has to truly meet with him frist and I know he not this way even though, but he is one of those peopl where I feel like I have to salute and stand tall and quite seriously untill he said at esse that is MY frist apraseon of him.
AkaDeca chapter 36 . 7/23/2018
Loved this so much. What’s with the extra chapters?
AkaDeca chapter 35 . 7/23/2018
This is sad again
AkaDeca chapter 34 . 7/23/2018
Hope Spencer comes to his senses
AkaDeca chapter 33 . 7/23/2018
This is sad.
AkaDeca chapter 32 . 7/23/2018
Wow. Well done.
AkaDeca chapter 31 . 7/23/2018
Dang! They aren’t going to believe it
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