Reviews for Stolen Hearts
Last-Lord-of-the-Wolves chapter 24 . 2/3
I had found and read Tattooed Hearts first because I find the dynamic of Jack and Miranda funny as hell, not to mention ironic. When I love a story though I always check the author's other works. Saw this one and was immediately interested for the FemShep Kasumi side of the story. Just like the other, you did a great job. Thought it was very amusing that you based (at least I'm 99.9% sure) Kasumi's book off of Dragon Age 2 and then hysterical when you adapted the romance scene in DA3 with Iron Bull. I like Tattooed Hearts better but I know part of that is because I read it first. Still, well done.
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 14 . 7/18/2016
Oh yeah, I so want to help kick ass. They hurt Kasumi, who I happen to find a good friend in the game, so I was all for the torture bit. And with this? Yep, let's kick ass.
Kyranol1 chapter 24 . 3/10/2016
You have no idea the progression my smile has taken while I was reading this chapter.
First it started off insanely goofy and large, then it turned joyful and amused, followed by a soft and warm one, and now I sit here with a slightly melancholic, yet content smile on my face.

I'm feeling rather wistful here, there aren't a lot of fem shep and Kasumi fics, and now there's one that's over. But their story has ended, and what a great ending it was.

I've had a hell of an amazing time reading this story. I've loved reading about all the characters and their interactions with one another. I've loved how you focused on other people and not just Kas and Shep. I've really loved just romantically fuzzy this story was.

I look forward to see the Miranda and Jack story! I'll be reading and playing ME while I wait xD

Thanks for the awesome ride. Till next time.
Kyranol1 chapter 23 . 3/10/2016
I was planning on playing ME3 after I finished reading and reviewing this, but then I realized I sold my PS3... I guess I'll have to stick with ME1 and ME2.

Oh god, don't do this to me, it's just too much for me to handle! It's too adorable!
Kyranol1 chapter 22 . 3/10/2016
You know, reading this kinda makes me want to go and look for a Miranda/Jack fic.

Well, Shepard brings out the best in everyone. Assuming she's the paragon version of course.

Sappy love stories are the best! In moderation of course, too much can be dangerous for the health.

At least they're not as long as the lord of the rings extended edition movies. Kasumi should've chosen those instead, way more time to tortu- er, I mean, spend time with Shepard :)


Those movies are real in ME? That's pretty funny.
Kyranol1 chapter 21 . 3/10/2016
So... Been a while huh?
I can't believe you've finished the story! :D
Binge reading time!

190 pull ups and 80 push ups. It seems someone needs to work on chest day some more ;)
But in all seriousness, holy crap, how is she so strong?!

Oh god, I've forgotten how much I enjoyed reading about the moments between Kasumi and Shepard.

HA! That scene with everyone walking in. I especially loved James' reaction. I don't know why, but whenever I read 'dios mios,' I find it absolutely hilarious. There's just something about the accent and the way I imagine their facial expression.

"Everything will be fine"
Coolevilshark chapter 24 . 1/1/2016
You ended it well, I liked both. It was a suitable ending that the duo deserved and you did it quite very well, I'm looking forward to Jack/Miri story, but until then. Later.
Coolevilshark chapter 22 . 12/25/2015
The end. Or at least it feels really close to it. Also did you make a couple of jabs at the Miri/Jack story with the whole that's a story for another day jab? Idk just sounded that way, really has enjoyed this story, and really love the idea of a Jack/Miri romance.
Kyranol1 chapter 20 . 11/28/2015
Hi there! Sorry for the late review, last few weeks were a bit rough.

A whole chapter dedicated to just Shep and Kasumi. This is good. Even with the heaviness and sense of sadness, it's still great.
Although now you have me very very worried with that ending about Shep dying. You're making my panic meter rise dammit!

Thanks a lot for the chapter. Till next time.
Ssg1 chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
Actually, it destroys all reaper tech, and EDI and the geth have that. The greybox would be safe, as would all other tech
Kyranol1 chapter 19 . 10/26/2015
Sigh, rip Thane. Reading this makes me want to kill Kai Leng in the game again, not to mention femsheps badass line in it.

Weird fan mail, surprised she didn't get any hair. There's always hair involved in the creepiest of fans. Well that or bodily fluids, but lots not get into that...

Awww, I was literally cooing at the scenes with Kasumi and Shepard. Sigh, they're adorable.

Thanks for the new chapter!
Kyranol1 chapter 18 . 10/7/2015
Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna see him in armor splattered with pink. That would've been hilarious if it actually happened in the game.

Hiding under a table when you have a cloaking device?
Tsk tsk Kasumi, should've been more creative in your hiding spot, even if you are invisible!

Ah, this was a good chapter.

Thanks for the update! Till next time.
Kyranol1 chapter 17 . 9/14/2015
An Elcor and Hana-
*retching noises*
Oh god, don't you ever put those images in my head again. Never again.

And man, it was great to read in Kasumi's POV again!
The extra fluffiness this chapter was a definite bonus too.

But you're not foreshadowing something with that story about the Champion and elf are you?! You better not end up separating them! I have my imaginary pitchfork and torch ready at any moment...

Thanks for the new chapter! Absolutely loved it!
Sephyxia chapter 16 . 9/6/2015
Shep and Kasumi make a really cute couple. Still a bit surprised that Kasumi was caught though. I assumed that the Terra Firma squad sent to Shep would be the same as the ones who attacked Kasumi, and just beating her up? I would have one that after shooting a leg at least.

Wondering what other plans you have for the story. Looking forward to another chapter!
justafanr3ading chapter 16 . 9/2/2015
oh my god that ending of the chapter was so sweet.
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