Reviews for Umbrella Girl
GimmeSumLovePls chapter 7 . 8/8/2017
dangit.. the story is so good.. WHY U DISCONTINUED IT?!
KagamineOrange02 chapter 6 . 6/23/2015
a-and...D-does M-Miku like-I mean..LOVE L-uka?!

KagamineOrange02 chapter 7 . 6/23/2015
Mikairue chapter 7 . 6/10/2015
EEK THIS IS AMAZING XD but seriously, this is one of the best fan fictions I've read. I think it's really interesting and you definitely have a things going. Keep going ahh I can't wait for the next chapter!
TheUltimateShipper27 chapter 7 . 6/5/2015
I have been enjoying this story
I can't wait for the update
Thats all I haft to say
ghost ficker rin chapter 7 . 6/4/2015
whoa! I took a break from fanfictions for a few days and boom, three chapters majically apear! this is great.
I really like how you are rewriting the story although at the begining I didn't know what to expect.
I love this tomboyish Miku a lot, I had never seen any story with this kind of Miku, besides I like that she doesn't give a crap about the stupid rumours and she's also one of the funniest CHARACTERS. Of course I love Meiko aswell but I've already said that a lot so I wanted to give some feedback on the others. I like the whole Len's group basically, I don't find Kiyo as anoying as I did in the other versión, cause even if he is as skared of Rin as everybody else is, he seems to understand Len's reasons and he did something to help.
I also like the huge contradictions between Len's perfect, tipical life and Rin's trajic hell of a family, (I like her mother tough)
however, I have mixed feelings about Kaito, I like him when he is with the other guys, I think his story is interesting and his perverted side is hillarious, but when it comes to Rin I feel like slaping him.
You know? what I like the most about this fanfic is the varietty of feelings that you show in only one chapter, it is angsty, funny, intriguing, fluffy and there is a lot of randomness too! so we readers never know what's going to happen next, and that's awesome, honestly I'm tired of predictable, cliché storys.
so yea, all this rumbling was to say that the story is even better tan the first ver.
ps: you make me hate Gumi, to think that I pair her and Len sometimes and I make her play the hopeless romantic and here is a great bitch pretty hateable (is that even a Word?) well she has taken over Tey's place
Raebelle chapter 7 . 6/3/2015
Lol, I can just imagine an anime scene where Kaito and Len punch each other. XD
I don't remember if I said this already, but I'm SO gad that Miku's nice here. But I'm also glad that she's not Rin's best friend or something, because that can get annoying sometimes. Her personality and relationship with Rin is just right~ -I wonder if she'll become Len's love rival, ironic, usually she competes with Rin for Len but in this fanfic she's yuri...?-
Vocaloids X Otaku Nekomimi chapter 7 . 6/3/2015
Are u a KaiLen shipper?Omg..I LOVE U! HAHAH but..I'm into yuris now (mikuLuka,MikuRin and etc).ははははは..I'm taking a break from yaois for now XD I had enough!
So,your schoolyear is ending now? What?!mine will starts on the second week D: fucking school -_-
Btw,I like it HAHA why miku Is talking to Rin O_O don't tell me...Nah yuri,just kidding XD PLS UPDATE :3
imafangirlforever chapter 7 . 6/3/2015
Okay so I think that I've been lazy and haven't been reviewing but I've been reading through your story (both the original and this one) and I simply love it.

I see that compared to the original one, you seemed to plan it out a lot more. I loved that dab of Kaito's perspective but this is just making me wonder more about Meiko, being Kaito's childhood friend and all. (Did I mention I love you for not making Miku or Meiko a bitch? Not that I don't love Gumi but it's nice without the Kaito ship wars going on.)

I can't wait to see Kaito's reaction when he finds out about Rin's past. I find it interesting you made him adopted. I'm sort of wondering if you'll elaborate on what happened to his former parents (he seemed to remember them in this chapter for a line or two) and how Kaiko's doing.

I'm still trying to guess the friend that Rin blames herself for her death. It's going nowhere.

Oh, and I read Horimiya too! Isn't it just adorable? :)

Anyways, great chapter! I can't wait to see how the story develops from here.
Raebelle chapter 6 . 5/31/2015
YAY, good job Miku! I'm so glad she's not a love rival in this fanfiction! :D
Hm, that part about Rin's family was really sad. It makes me curious.
Ahaha, that part when Meiko poured ice on Len...I almost choked with laughter! XD
Beef Katsu chapter 6 . 5/31/2015
U-umm... /raises hand timidly
I think I'm developing a new OTP. I'm leaving the ship. I am now a hardcore LenxBed shipper! /gets nearly eaten by people

Any how, Yay! Miku to the rescue! Save your bony lass, dearie! Err wait Len should be the one who should do the saving but oh well... Poor bby Rin tho. With all these drama I'm still wondering why she's still sane — err wait, you did mention some mental institution somewhere so yea. /coughs awkwardly

That'll be all I guess?

Dear Len, you know you wanna kiss rinny. Just do it you idiot you.
clockwork marionette chapter 6 . 5/31/2015
'That's what friends are for'...!? XD So true. Friends are for beating you up when you say something stupid and for ruining your life.
Miku saves the day just in time!
D: Rin's family really is falling apart, huh?
Ichirouta Aru chapter 6 . 5/31/2015
Waa! So sad & cute at the same time! Love it!

(Since my English grammar is awfull, the review will be short)

Really love it, poor Rin, I know she didn't do anything bad on purpose, she's too adorable for doing something like that! And Len, how cute!

Well, I do like Gumi a lot, but here is a total bitch, ok? ... really, I believed the interruption was made by Len... at least someone appear! Yei!

Think that's all, so bye! Read u soon!
Raebelle chapter 5 . 5/30/2015
...Rimming? O.o What "kinky" fanfictions have you been reading...never mind. I don't want to know.
Haha, that scene with Len and his friends was really funny. They act crazy, almost as crazy and my friends. XD
Oohh, I wonder what's going to happen to Gumi. Is she going to eventually feel sorry for Rin, or is Len going to beat her up for hurting Rin?
Yay, I can't wait for Meiko to show up! SHE'S AWESOME! On a side note, is it actually possible to bite your lip so hard until it bleeds? I guess it is, but whenever I bite my lip for a long time, it hurts a lot and becomes swollen, but doesn't actually bleed. LOL
TheUltimateShipper27 chapter 5 . 5/30/2015
I can see you tried to make some parts fluffy but they didn't come out all that fluffy, the ending was trying to be fluffy but then it just randomly ended
Other than that this chapter was really good and I can't wait for the next update :)
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