Reviews for My Little Winter Sprite One Shots
Guest chapter 1 . 3/10/2019

TheShapeshifter100 chapter 20 . 6/7/2016
It is good to see Katherine's side of the story, and a nice reason for why she didn't show up in ROTG.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 19 . 6/6/2016
Wow, that was dark. A nice little look into Jack's time as Pitch's captive.
I like how Jack recognises that he did make mistakes when it came to Sophie.

Also, a good way of showing why Jack is so angry at Pitch. Before it was more up to our imaginations, which was fine, but it was good to get an actual event.
Rebecca Frost chapter 16 . 4/24/2016
sasukexnaruxsakura chapter 15 . 3/16/2016
I love this keep up the good work.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 15 . 3/16/2016
Aw man, I still love this, and the fact that your Jackie calls my Jackie 'Miss Davies', I still can't help but squee a bit. That's still cute.

I never mentioned the Frozen thing, but that was a really sweet idea, this whole thing was sweet, as in, sugary sweet, I know I say it different way a lot.

Not too sure on the title though, since, training doesn't actually happen, but anyway, love it!
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 14 . 3/13/2016
Jack's always been a bit up for debate in my opinion. In Big Four Hogwarts though he was always Slytherin while Merida was Gryffindor, while it was Rapunzel and Hiccup who kept swapping, however, I think Merida would be more suited to Slytherin. She was going to put a spell on her mother so she wouldn't have to get married! Yes, Jack did only agree to come along with the promise of his memories, but I think he was already considering helping after seeing the effect it had on Tooth. So, yeah he is a bit of a difficult one to place, although I wouldn't mind him being in Slytherin, being one myself.

I agree with the rest, although there's a slight difference I think with book iterations and movie iterations, North is a Gryffindor in both, although perhaps a touch more Slytherin very early on in the books, and Sandy would be the same, although I think in the books Tooth is also a Gryffindor and Bunny definitely a Ravenclaw. An argument for book North and Ravenclaw can also be made, but I think he suits Gryffindor too well.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 13 . 3/5/2016
1 typo, sort of. 'both Jamie had Sophie had agreed if She took her course via correspondence until the Baby was born.'
Oddly placed capital letters and 'and' replaced with 'had'

I'm wondering how much of an AU this is going to be, as the only difference so far is the fact that Sophie can use ice powers while she'd pregnant. Saying that, I look forward to see where this goes.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 12 . 2/19/2016
Seems a bit silly setting up your theatre so that customers wouldn't be able to see what they'd paid to see, but what do I know, I don't plan these things.

This was really sweet, nice to see from Jamie's POV as well. He's also being part of the uncle brigade, where they do everything that the kids parents won't let them do.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 11 . 2/12/2016
Pretty short, but still a fair amount of information. I like what you did with Jamie, new Steven Speilberg maybe?

Wooo! Man in the Moon! A slight dick move making wait like that, maybe he hadn't been expecting it and had to get his gear together to reply?

One spelling mistake 'never had much interest in having the man in the moon soeak to her her'. Simply case of p's and o's.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 10 . 2/11/2016
Well, I do have an advantage in that you told me who the Jessups are. I also see you went with Nicolas, very nice. It's a good reference while being normal enough to not attract attention. I'll have to find an excuse to use Merlin at some other point.

Small issue, at the end you repeat "And her father gave me their number so you can call whenever you want." Sophie said. Jackie smiled again at that. "Yay!" She said clapping.'
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 9 . 1/25/2016
Sometimes you do just meet someone who just clicks with you.

True, most people tend to grow a filter, and not everyone does.

This chapter was quite sweet, and I can understand why Sophie would be somewhat suspicious, also going back to her mother's house with more people with interesting abilities is not a good idea.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 8 . 1/9/2016
It's somewhat eerie some of the similarities between your Jackie and mine, although I can't believe I didn't think of fans! So blindly obvious!

So sweet that at least MiM is watching, well he does see everything... hopefully he choose not to see certain things...

Sarah's family also seems to be a very accepting family, especially around magic and MiM. I can understand the dad and the kids, I guess the mum had just gotten used to it.
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 7 . 1/7/2016
Oooh, I know exactly who this is alluding to. I also believe that you put her name in bold throughout the first part of this chapter ;)

For anyone reading through the reviews, look up 'Le Befanana' I don't think that's the only spelling though.
She's very similar to Father Christmas in some ways, and completely different in others. Is she going to show up in the story?
TheShapeshifter100 chapter 6 . 12/31/2015
Um, wow. Was not expecting this. Thanks for the shoutout!

The reason I feel awkward right now is the same reason I said a few days ago. My face has temporarily turned into a fire engine. XD
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