Reviews for No Choice
Guest chapter 4 . 6/27
So Kiku are both Alfred’s friend and Yakuza lord?
fanfictiondrivethrough chapter 4 . 5/16/2018
This is kind of the modernised, gay version of Gone With The Wind, but without those unneccessary first 600 pages and with a better ending. Very arrousing, made my ass really loose. Try to work around adverbs in the future.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/5/2018
I’ve read this story at least 15 times and I still cry when I reach the end. I just...uuuuuuuugh.
Waterfalls for days. This is so beautiful.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/11/2017
Oh I love love love the ending! Alexei sounds like an adorable child, I'm honestly really curious as to what happens to him in the future - will he become as kind as Alfred or will he end up as Ivan 2.0?
Also, I'm still just dipping my toes into RusAme so I haven't read that many fics of the pair yet, but so far, amongst all the big-bad-boss-Russia fics (as you know there's a million of them), this is the first one I read where Ivan was actually terrifying, so good job on that!
SheWhoLeavesCrappyReviews chapter 4 . 5/12/2017
Bruh I actually already left a decently worded review about how I loved the ending and Alexei (wondering what happens when he grows up) and how this is the only mafia-boss-Ivan story where he's actually terrifying. The damn thing didn't show up so I'd like to express my appreciation again.
Loved the fic!
Kirani56 chapter 4 . 9/10/2016
Jesus Christ what the hell this ending is both very oddly nice and infuriating. Ivan is such a bastard holy shit. No directed feelings toward the author of course :3 but shit...I am pissed off at Ivan for winning this after running Al's life.
I hate (the ending) and love this work so please keep on writing! 3
llamagodofdeath chapter 4 . 7/30/2016
This was so beautifully made
Crimson cat angel chapter 4 . 6/28/2016
Guest chapter 4 . 2/3/2016
Could you do a wedding and honeymoon one shot.
Kimashi Lejhidz chapter 4 . 1/4/2016
Ivan you are one hell of a son of a bitch. My dear author, I think I'm having a love/hate relationship with your work. My stomach hurts so much because of the anger inside me, damn Ivan!
The way you pictured their relationship, the unhealthy desire of Ivan - not caring about Alfred at all; the way Alfred was bound to it even when he tried to end it all - and wasn't able; and, in the end the lowest blow ever - if we have a kid he won't be able to leave... Maybe it's because this one sounds a little too real, but I feel so much hatred! I don't think of it as a happy ending but well, we won't always have one xD
Another awesome job well done, you've made me, yet again, immerse myself inside this!
Guest chapter 4 . 11/22/2015
Ok I changed my mind, this is the hottest chaoter. Ever. In any fics ive ever read.
dauntlessmockingjay24601 chapter 4 . 8/21/2015
I'll say this first: I don't really ship RusAme all that much. But this I couldn't resist. The summary drew me in immediately, and then the actual story kept me coming back. I wondered why, like, if I don't evem ship this that much why is thisnso enjoyable? Is it the power play, the characterization, the au? I've come to realize it's all of the above. Your writing is impeccable and very addicting. I didn't want to put this down.
So, excellent job done. An unexpected yes from me.
guest chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
could you maybe write a russia x fem america!?
Guest chapter 4 . 6/14/2015
Feeling so conflicted
Ahr0 chapter 4 . 6/1/2015
Wow, just absolutely breathtaking. I just randomly had an urge to look up some RusAme after being out of the fandom for a few years and to come across such a gem right in the beginning! Just too amazing.

This fic literally had my heart in my throat. I was stressing out through the majority of it, (not a bad thing haha), but I couldn't put it down. The way you captured each situation and the characters emotions was perfect. I'm definitely going to be checking out your other works. :)

Keep up with your stunning writing! :D
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