Reviews for Monsters are Made
socialgirl378 chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
The origin of the Beast is very interesting. Though I feel like the title could've changed to Monsters are Born. It's more fitting since he's evil the moment he was born.
Wildtail of Wind chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
This is an interesting story. I really like it. :3 (Especially your character concepts, which are really good, by the way.) I especially love the prophecy, which is a clever way to lead this story into the canon series. I only wish you’d built more on short-term events instead of telling a life story so quickly, but I enjoyed reading about the Beast’s origin from another perspective than my own. I’m planning to write a fanfiction about this in the near future, which will be cool to see in comparison to the other great theories on early life in the Unknown. It’s astounding to witness all the diversity in ideas that all build up to the same point. You did not disappoint. c; Great work!
Whiggity chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
Ya know, I really like this story conceptually. The idea that the Beast used to be human is pretty neat, and I like this interpretation of the kind of person he would have had to be to become what he did. And I also enjoy the way it's presented like a folk tale, with all the strange logic that entails.

There are just a couple points which I feel don't entirely add up. The first one is kind of a logistics thing: I understand why the Beast is described as leading people to let them starve and then rob them, because it serves as a metaphor for his later role in the Unknown (tricking people without touching them), but in practicality that just seems like a really inconvenient way to get money. It can take weeks for a person to starve to death. For practical purposes, why would he just not hit them over the head with a rock once they got far enough from town? And aside from that, how long could he possibly keep this ruse up before people start to notice that everybody who goes into the woods with Bubba over there never comes back out?

The second thing is just a little thing regarding the title in contrast to the plot. "Monsters Are Made," it's called, but this is very clearly about a monster being born rotten and getting worse over time. Just seems a little inconsistent?

Other than those two things I really do like this fic, though, and I think it provides a plausible backstory to one of the more mysterious villains I've ever seen.