Reviews for Underground
Dee474 chapter 1 . 4/14/2019
amazinf story.
Illyamylove chapter 1 . 6/6/2015
I enjoyed your story, and I liked the ending. I thought you described Illya's near panic very well, and I would have been extremely worried if I didn't know Napoleon would come to the rescue. But please find someone to beta your work, I find mistakes very frustrating as they break the continuity and atmosphere of the story. Well done.
Ani-maniac494 chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
I loved this! This is a great - and scary - scenario. I loved how you wrote Illya's reactions to it all, and Napoleon's as well. It was very intense, and very well done! Poor Illya. I'm glad he doesn't remember, at least not consciously.

Awesome work as always! :)

margie-me chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
Listen to alynwa. Please write, and keep writing. With practice, good becomes better. You have fine motivation, you're emotionally connected to the topic and that's why people write (paint, or draw, among other expressions of talent.) There are of course, so-called "authors" who serve up complete rubbish, too, because they don't do research on details pertaining to the genre they're supposedly fans of; they just ship OOOCs in love with NS/IK. In other words, they might as well be writing pop romance fics having nothing to do with UNCLE, period. No fear for you, though. Like alynwa said, don't second guess and hate your endings. Just go for it! I'm following you.
alynwa chapter 1 . 4/23/2015
First of all, stop apologizing for your writing. It's very good. Second, this story was excellent; I could feel a sense of claustrophobia reading your words and Illya's and Napoleon's panic at their situation. Third, there is nothing wrong with your ending. It is a fitting one and shows that the partnership and friendship are stronger than ever and THRUSH cannot break it.

I look forward to more stories from you.