Reviews for Goddesses Save The Queen
AtagoNist chapter 4 . 6/28
AtagoNist chapter 3 . 6/28
Shite, he's been through SPEHS MAHREN TRAINING?! What a fuckin' mad lad
AtagoNist chapter 1 . 6/28
Tetho chapter 4 . 5/31
Ah, I feel bad for the pips in Gaminidustry God dang we Earthlings/Terran are some fucked up people sometimes.
gromit chapter 1 . 3/17
cracking story
BigE chapter 47 . 3/17
Pretty nice story. Love the crackers.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/14/2019
Subsurface chapter 30 . 8/8/2019
Yeah, lasted to chapter 30. Very 'fuck the system we have now because corrupt assholes run it so why not have idealized fictionland instead' by that point (not that it wasn't to begin with, but I moved through this with the idea that the protag and the military back home are going to stay morally grey) and I kind of got sick of the political commentary going to levels that the Division 2 went through.

JL saying democratic socialism communism is at best incredibly disingenuous, and it doesn't help that such a scene was introduced when JL is facing against an antagonist that did blatantly terrorist shit that hurts innocent people while said antagonist was clearly advocating the opposite.

Controversial, borderline racist politics.
American conservative circlejerk.
I'm done reading this. It stopped being funny by this chapter.
MrShrimppaste chapter 27 . 5/9/2019
Indeed, all of us are flawed. The problem here is who's more fucked up than some others.
MrShrimppaste chapter 25 . 5/9/2019
So has he realized that he'd been a dick or not? I'm confused.
MrShrimppaste chapter 24 . 5/9/2019
Duh, I gotta be honest here, the dude's a fucking edgelord at this point mate!
Lord-Sylph chapter 47 . 1/3/2019
Ahhh, the casual disregard for the 4th wall is refreshing
Welcome back!
Acrais chapter 46 . 1/2/2019
It is good to see that you are alive
Yu Narukaze chapter 46 . 1/1/2019
... why do you do this to us. Half a year-HALF A DAMNED *YEARand you leave us on *that*?!

Joking, kinda. Great stuff, as always.
Omar Zerarka chapter 46 . 1/1/2019
Man 6 months of wait are tbh pretty long for one chapter. I do hope the next chapter won't release in summer 2019
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