Reviews for How hero's for hire got set up
newsiesreporter chapter 2 . 4/20/2018
man I love this
newsiesreporter chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
woah I never knew how that could have been bu really good
BatWingteenavenger chapter 10 . 5/23/2017
By Daredevil you mean Deadpool...right?
BatWingteenavenger chapter 9 . 5/23/2017
This gave me so much joy! You write well. Please continue, I look forward to more!

Favorite quote so far? "A look that seemed to say 'I'm king of another world, I don't need this'"

makes me laugh and picture Danny facepalming
TabbyCat chapter 38 . 5/9/2017
Great chapter. Stay determined.
The Little Svecica chapter 38 . 4/23/2017
Hahaha. Cute. Luke was so excited. :P I have a cousin like that. With the bone crushing hugs? Ow...
TabbyCat chapter 37 . 3/28/2017
Can I just say that the only thing that all four of them are hoping survived was pictures of their families and that it makes my heart happy?
Great chapter. Stay DETEMMIED.
-TC Nya~
DaniTomlinson chapter 37 . 3/11/2017
I am totally like Ava! Can sleep anywhere even on a tree branch
And aw... The last part was so touching and emotional sort of. They only have those precious memories of their parents and family. :-(
Btw I deactivated my account... On Quotev ok.
But you can always talk if you want to, search Heatherbackup on Quotev and follow me. I'll miss you bye!
DaniTomlinson chapter 35 . 2/27/2017
:) :)
You updated!

What took you so long, my friend?
But the chapter was worth the wait ;)
I really like Luke and Danny's bonding! It's the best! Somewhat like Coulson and Fury's, right?
It was a great chapter and please update soon! :)
The Little Svecica chapter 35 . 2/26/2017
Eep! I'm excited for the next chapter! surprise parties are awesome. :P
TheImmortalWeapon chapter 32 . 2/26/2017
Ok, so I’ve been meaning to review, so I just guess I’ll go back a few chapters and review on forward.

The team dynamic is pretty great. Ava and Sam doing their back and forth in the beginning. I like how Danny believes Sam will be a good houseguest, as kind of shown in later episodes where he and Aunt May have bonded.

I like that they are all giving Peter a hard time, teasing him some.

Having them figure out rooming assignments was pretty fun to read. They all don’t really care that much and Danny’s just off to the side, making his quick comment to wrap things up.

Peter and Danny talking about who gets the bed. I like how you threw in the K’un-Lun culture bit, about how Danny does not want to inconvenience Peter. But when he’s talking about it… foreshadowing towards Peter going to K’un-Lun, maybe?

I like that Peter admits he has more to learn about his teammates. It’s a good set up. I am looking forward to the kind of review for him when he finds out the truth about Danny.

On to the next chapter!
TabbyCat chapter 34 . 1/11/2017
Uno! Great chapter. Stay DETERMINED.
-TC nya~
The Little Svecica chapter 34 . 12/28/2016
haha. cute chapter. it makes me sad to see Danny going, I was really glad he came back in the show. have fun on holiday, by the way!
Man285 chapter 33 . 12/19/2016
I have question! Can you make peter and ava together?(in short can you make spideyxtiger?)
The Little Svecica chapter 33 . 12/7/2016
freaking... really, Peter, you didn't think that was worth mentioning?
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