Reviews for Filthy But Fun
Alytiger chapter 1 . 4/9/2017
Bless XD
AvidReader2236 chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
You stayed to true to her :)
alyssialui chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
Haha i love how they bound over their joy in others' pain and suffering and their lack of fear when it comes to blood and gore. I would guess since Greyback is new to the DEs (being a lone wolf for most of the time previous), this could be one of his first times meeting Bellatrix and finding out just how twisted she is. And she's just like him. I loved the last few lines where they both confess that the other is tolerable. And the fact that Greyback thinks she has the "potential to be enjoyable" is funny because to Bella, he's (useful) filth beneath her boot but to him, Bella is still simply human flesh (though crazy). Great job with this.