Reviews for At First Sight
banneg chapter 3 . 5/6/2015
This is definitely one of those stories that I am thrilled I could read straight through! I loved the passion between Bass and Charlie [though Danny and Duncan was a nice twist] and I really liked how you wrote the interaction between Charlie and Duncan; and Duncan and Bass. - thanks - B
Monroe-Militia chapter 3 . 4/27/2015
I am most definitely enjoying the Danny and Duncan. I also enjoy her running into Charlie and calling her on why she's sore. I wonder if Charlie's already figured out who Duncan is running off to see. Oh, Charlie. You still haven't REALLY sorted out whose bed you spent the night in. :P

Haha, I love that Duncan is so used to him and convinced that Charlie must be making up having stayed in his bed. Meanwhile, Bass is just proudly admitting to it.

Looks like both pairs have a routine of theirs going. I wonder if Charlie knows that Duncan's meeting Danny. Miles isn't much of an option considering Nora's there, so it seems like she should be able to figure it out eventually (although I could see her not wanting to).

Oh, Aaron. Just casually dropping all the secrets because he's tired and cranky and Miles trying to calmly be like 'WHAT?'. I am definitely enjoying Miles' freak out. Meanwhile, Danny's just like 'Whatever. I like Duncan and I don't give a fuck if it bothers you'.

Haha, I love Bass so much, just casually stripping and not finding anything off about Charlie asking him what he's doing. This cannot possibly go well (at least at first) if Miles walks in on Charlie giving him head.

That sounds so incredibly like Bass, hooking up with the girl that Miles left behind in his pain. And I like that he's stabilized. And I love how Miles is so confused and Jeremy's just like 'By the way, Bass is fun again and has known all about you being here the whole time and has given orders that you have to be safe... Oh, and he kind of might be screwing your niece. Oops'.

I'm definitely enjoying Charlie experiencing what she thinks is one of her last times with him and Bass taking the news that she's leaving hard. And I love that Bass doesn't even bother covering himself. I'm sure that it is absolutely nothing that Miles hasn't already seen in passing multiple times so he's just like 'whatever'. And I like that he couldn't quite even make himself stick to the fake story because he likes Charlie more than the Sarah roleplay. And I am laughing so hard at Charlie trying to get President Jeremy to go easy on Miles. And I love that as horrified as Miles is, he is also so self-satisfied as he points out "You've been banging the Commander in Chief of the Monroe Republic". And I love how this whole shit-storm is going on and Bass is just like 'Okay, time to profess my love and get all cuddly and not even care about covering myself and why not propose to Miles and his niece at the same time while we're at it... Oh cool, I've talked at least one into it. Time for a make-out sess'.

The key to convincing the old friend who tried to kill you and who walked in on you with his niece while lying to her about who you were is definitely 100% accusing him of being older and crustier than you. Bass still hasn't QUITE figured out how to be entirely smooth (although his skills have definitely improved, especially around Charlie). And when that doesn't completely, instantly work, casually bring up how you've been doing his niece and how, hey, you didn't pull out, so maybe there's a baby in there now. I bet that's exactly what he wants and he would be so dorkishly excited about it (which is an adorable, adorable mental image).

"I think the fact that you call Philly home means you've already decided." Nora is very wise and also probably could have defused a lot of that tension if she had been well enough and had happened to be in the right place at the right time to be there for Bass finding out about Bass and Charlie. That would also eliminate quite a bit of entertainment though. ;)

Great job! :)
maplyfe chapter 3 . 4/26/2015
Loved it! Another great story from you, but I expect no less by now! I have to say I 1000000% agree with you re: the comics. I kind of like that as of now, we can form our own HEA without seeing anymore disgusting Bachel scenes *shudder* or anything else I completely disagree with from the writers. I can't tell you how ridiculously excited I was to see your A/N! I will be on sailing down De-Nial with the canon ending 2x22 with you :)
ToTheSkyAndBack chapter 3 . 4/26/2015
Great story! I agree re: the comics. I'm less than thrilled that comic Bass looks nothing like David. And if they put Bass with Rachel I won't even finish reading it.
BassCharlie-SparrowHawke chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
I absolutely love a great happy ending, and this was happy all around :) Bass and Charlie are together and Miles is going back where he belongs with his brother. Danny and Duncan that match up by the way, and Aaron found Cynthia. Jeremy just needs to find someone now lol... or maybe you're saving him for yourself ;) hahaha . This was a fun lighthearted romp & I thouroughly enjoyed it.
IceonFire7 chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
Great end to the story. I was wondering what was going to happen when Charlie found out, but at least he softened what could have been a very awkward blow with an "I love you". Works for me :)
Guest chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
What a perfect ending! So fun and everyone got a happy ending as Drexel said. Is it wrong that I've head cannoned that Drexol is a placebo and Bass got better on his own? :) loved Miles' line-get dressed so I can kill you without feeling like a pervert-ha! I also liked that Charlie didn't get too mad about Bass hiding his identity-after all she did the same! Great chap and story. -lemonsaresweet
RyansDreamMaker chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
I totally agree about the comics. I love that we're getting an ending, I just hope it'll be an ending we like. Anyway, love this! The whole thing was perfect! (Not surprised :-))
MDRevolutionFan chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
Loved it! :) Great way to bring in Cynthia too. ;) lol
I'm with you on the comics. As far as closure, they're better than nothing, but... *sigh* Like I said on Twitter earlier, if anyone I love dies (Bass, Miles, Charlie, or Aaron), then the comics are just fanfic and I go on pretending everyone goes on to live happily ever after like I've been doing since the cancellation.
And NO Bachel, dammit!
ThreeMagpies chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
*satisfied sigh* Dear Lemon - what a lovely ending! The (almost) end bit with (almost) everyone in the same room with naked Bass and Charlie was especially priceless Lol! Even Drexel turned out ok! I loved that Aaron found Cynthia - and that Duncan and Danny found each other... And Miles! He's just huggable isn't he!

Oh - re comics... I guess we'll all be watching and hoping... But I believe in Charloe! And it won't make any difference to me either, so... :D x Magpie
saderia chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
Great story.
IceonFire7 chapter 2 . 4/25/2015
Awesome. And hot as hell too. Duncan sending the little note to Bass was a nice touch. I loved the fact that Bass spent the night alone, and that Jeremy had so much fun with it. Yeah, MAYBE he likes her ;) I can't wait to see how you wrap this one up, but I'm so looking forward to it.
IceonFire7 chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Oh, how I love this. You've written the intense attraction between Charlie and Bass SO well. I adored the way you described Bass through Charlie's eyes. Perfect. So she has no idea who he is...I wonder what will happen when she finds out. On to the next chapter. :)
TexasRevoFan chapter 2 . 4/23/2015
I am loving this! Can't wait for the wrap-up when Charlie figures out who Bass really is. I am loving this setting, too - for some reason, a library is just so perfect for the two of them, and super-sexy. And I love Bass and Charlie seeing each other for the first time with him on horseback, her on a balcony. It's just picture-perfect, so Shakespearean. This story is lots of fun.
ToTheSkyAndBack chapter 2 . 4/22/2015
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