Reviews for The End Of Forever
MultiMom chapter 1 . 6/7/2019
Did you abandon this? Really looking forward to how this plays out. Hope you finish
0twilightlover184 chapter 39 . 1/26/2019
Wow! I love this story SO much! It’s so authentic and true to the characters, and I always love a good Delena moment, lots of love, hope everything it going okay and I’ll be waiting for the next update! Xxx
Mireesha Huff chapter 6 . 8/30/2018
So I'm reading this after watching the whole tvd series ending and Lilly and Enzo is just hard for me because
Bonnie and Enzo are seriously epic love!
I'll try to continue reading and put that aside haha
Maxflash5 chapter 39 . 7/23/2018
Next please
MultiMom chapter 39 . 3/6/2018
I hope you continue this. Your AU would have made a much better season 6 on.
LittlePrince8 chapter 39 . 1/13/2018
Another twist. i really hoped Elena was back in her body. Very curious
DelenaTheOneAndOnly chapter 39 . 1/13/2018
Glad, you're back!
LittlePrince8 chapter 38 . 11/13/2017
Cannot wait for Elena's body to be back. I'm not a fan of Klaus/Caroline. Basically do not care about that pairing. I think it was forced onto the creators. Sad Stefan had to die and I'm not crazy Steroline shipper. Only DE. Wonder if the death of Stefan was purposefully to explore Klaus with Caroline.
Also Katherine to me is the ultimate bad guy of TVD. I cannot see her as one that would be redeemed. However I'm really enjoying yoru take on the storyline and writing style.
Guest chapter 38 . 11/12/2017
Great chapter. Love the story. And, I think there is a few I adore. "Founders Day" By Scarlett2112, "Home" by vamphony & a few oneshots by Salvatoreboys4ever. (they feature Steroline, Delena and Bonnie and Enzo) I love them all! I would highly suggest reading them.
Guest chapter 38 . 11/12/2017
Great story and another post finale fic that is very good is Tomorrow by scarlett1212 I believe is her username
Guest chapter 37 . 8/21/2017
Really like the story line, i hope you update soon, i would love to see elena get back in her body and see caroline plan damon and elenas wedding. I feel like the delena shippers missed out on a delena wedding in season 8 or any of the seasons that damon and elena were together.
SETO-KAIBA-LIFE chapter 37 . 6/25/2017
so awesome, hope you update soon
LittlePrince8 chapter 37 . 3/8/2017
Interesting twist. I'm certainly happy there was not antything happening betweem them in the other body. I really woudln't like it. Kai is one crazy character. I do hope for happy DE in the finale. I will hope till the end. i haven't watched S7 and 8 so far but do get an idea what is happening. I personally do not find Caroline/Klaus pairing enticing at all. I do not understand where the fascination coming from. But I don't find any TO characters interesting and do not watch the show. I much rather see her with Stefan to whom she is married now anyway. I do hope that somehow she becomes human too.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/7/2017
LittlePrince8 chapter 36 . 3/5/2017
Elena's body appeared? Elena's mind and soul is in the blond now so maybe there was a switch? Perhaps i have it all wrong.
Kai really is a crazy one and with a crush on Bonnie it seems
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