Reviews for WTS:Doctor Who
Destiny Modlin chapter 18 . 7/20
Please update
Destiny Modlin chapter 18 . 6/2
Please update
Guest chapter 3 . 5/20
Are you going to do the animated episodes?
TheRedPhoenix chapter 18 . 5/2
Please continue with the fanfiction because it's just to good.
theredphoenix chapter 18 . 4/23
please continue because this is very good and keep going other wise I'll be very sad.
TheRedPhoenix chapter 18 . 4/14
Please continue because this is very interesting and good and I want to see the 11th doctor regenerate into the 12th doctor.
Gold Testament chapter 1 . 4/4
Why did you have Jack sitting with 11? Also I just realized this starts pre Whittaker. Also pre-Bill Potts. Please tell me you bring in Bill as well.
Emrys Solaria chapter 18 . 3/29
please tell me the next episode will be the christmas special
BrokenIsInTheTARDIS chapter 18 . 3/16
just wannting to checkk are u doing the christmas specials as well?
Little Rascal 27 chapter 1 . 3/3
This was amazing! I’ve just found this. I know how long these take to upload as I’m doing one for a different tv show now. No rush.
Scott Harvey chapter 18 . 2/25
plz continue
miko-kunlol12 chapter 18 . 2/2
Thank you for another chapter.
Damien Evermere chapter 18 . 1/30
Hi cant log in but feel free to find me.

As for the daleks your not far off, I believe that the daleks need all of their systems working for their shields and weapons to actually work (not sure why) so when a daleks vision or mobility is impaired they cant kill or protect themselves. Its honestly an educated guess from watching the show and reading the dalek related books so I'm not sure how accurate it is but that seems to be why vision impairment is so dangerous for a dalek
magical fan18 chapter 18 . 1/29
Oh man, I loved this; it’s really hard to find a DW react fic that actually finishes a season and doesn’t get cancelled or put on permanent hiatus a few chapters in or just straight up abandoned.

Cannot wait for the 10th Doctor’s Episodes and the groups reactions to them.

I hope you bring in Sarah Jane Smith and the rest of the Bannerman Road gang like Luke, Rani and Clyde for this season especially for the School Reunion episode.

You should do a separate react fic for The SJA series and episodes with the Doctor’s as guest viewers along with SJ and the rest.
Hela Lokidottr chapter 18 . 1/29
I was actually just rereading this fic yesterday and then then I saw the update this morning I was so surprised! perfect timing! I love it, as always
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