Reviews for Star Wars Episode I: The Familiar of Zero
sondowth chapter 5 . 7/27
Nice Artoria and Emiya cameo. Wonder if they show up again with their respective weapons.
Xavier Rall chapter 32 . 4/24
Just finished this story. Enjoyed it, and would love for a sequel to come out.
Alexander Von Einzbern chapter 5 . 11/18/2019
Lol.. I really didn't expect to see references to the fate series
Vanessa Masters chapter 32 . 7/31/2019
"The Sith Lord I knew in my time, was a fallen Jedi. Not a true Sith. I can't speak to his Master's origins because we never discovered his identity. In my time, there were two Sith at any given time. A Master, and an Apprentice. No more. No less. But Calista comes from a time when the Sith were an army of thousands. She never knew a life as anything but a Sith."

"This makes her a greater threat then, no?"

"Not necessarily. She's a complicated one. Two Sith in my time managed to do what an army of Sith before them could not. That being said. I would still advocate that we keep a close eye on her. But I'd also like to point out that I'm no longer convinced that she is necessarily evil just because she is a Sith. Nothing is ever that simple. But the story gets more interesting. It seems that the young lady who summoned her, lost her powers shortly after the summoning."

"That should not be possible…"

"But it happened. Without more information, I can only speculate. It might interest the council to know that this girl, Louise Valliere, is Force Sensitive. And Calista has taken it upon herself to train her as a Sith."

"So now there are two Sith in Tristain? Just as you said. Master and Apprentice."

"Yes. So it would seem."

"Would it not be better for us to go and bring her here? Have you train her as a Jedi? You said yourself that two Sith did what an army could not."

"Be careful my friend. That line of thinking will take you to a very dark place. If we decided that making choices for other people was an acceptable practice. What would we become? I've seen the results of that sort of thing with my own eyes. If we're to accomplish what we all decided we wanted to achieve with this order… We simply have to be better than that."

"But surely in this instance we can make an-"

"An exception? If we set a precedent for that kind of exception, what happens then? Maybe we won't repeat it, but our inheritors could think it acceptable because we did it before. Today, it's a Force Sensitive who choses to be a Sith instead of a Jedi. What could it be tomorrow?"

"There's no way of knowing…"

"Precisely. We do not have the luxury of thinking only of ourselves. We must always consider the fact that our decisions may have far reaching consequences that we cannot know, or see."

"So what should we do then?"

"We wait. And we observe. That is all we can do. The girl withstood the hardships of war, but that tells us nothing. We shall only learn more when her power begins to truly grow. That is when her true nature will be revealed


Amazing work, and done to clean herself of Xanax addiction, well, what better therapy, terrific work. I salute he group effort!
Vanessa Masters chapter 31 . 7/31/2019
Brinvilliers gathered another globe of water on his wand but this time she did something he didn't, and couldn't expect. She howled with rage while lightning, such that comes from the sky, erupted from the tips of her fingers. Marius widened his eyes as he was struck, his body convolvulsing. He screamed in agony and then with all his might forced his arm out towards Louise and created a wall of water before him which stopped the electricity from passing through. He then pushed the wall of water out further and further away from himself until it was so close to Louise that the power could arc from her hands, to the water, and then back to her.

With a shrill scream of pain Louise was thrown away by the backlash of her Lightning. There she lay on the stone street. She could smell the burning of her cloths, and her flesh. But when she looked, she saw Marius was faring little better than she was. He did take a more sustained hit than she did.

Louise started pushing herself up when Guiche started to come to, he saw Brinvilliers running towards her with the sword held high. His eyes widened and he had to think fast or Louise would die in moment. He quickly reached into his bag and grabbed what he was searching for, but when he tried to get up he realized his leg was broken, there was no way he could get up and fight.

"Louise! Take this! You know what to do with it!" he yelled at the very top of his lungs before throwing the 'Wand of Andvarri' over to the pink haired girl.

Louise widened her eyes at the incoming silvery metallic object and reached out for it. With the Force she pulled it into her hands. She didn't know how, she didn't know why, but she just knew to push the button. Calista's didn't have buttons. So she was very confused by how she knew to do that. But it didn't matter now. With a loud and very sharp noise, the lightsaber ignited a bright yellow beam of energy. Louise sprang up to her feet and ran as Brinvilliers swung Derflinger down upon her.

"Holy mother of batshit! Is that Andvarii's lightsaber?!" yelled the sword with a shocked voice.

"Andvarii's?" asked Brinvilliers while his eyes drifted to his ring. "That was his weapon? I'll be taking that too then! It will go nicely with his ring here!" he proudly declared while moving in to strike at Louise.

"Derf! If you hit this thing, can you survive it?" asked Louise while ducking and back stepping away from each attack before Brinvilliers got fed up and went to his wand.

"You bet I can Louise! That bastard never had a snowball's chance in hell against Sasha and me!"


So, the king was Louise father!?

Oh dear, well, at least Derf is back and Marius is dead.
Vanessa Masters chapter 30 . 7/31/2019
"Only ten? I'd expected many more to die…" the former Duke rubbed his forehead. "Why does my mind feel so foggy? My battle with that girl in black wasn't so straining… Bah! No matter. Just focus on your assigned tasks. We'll turn this battle back in our favor very soon."

He looked up into the sky, but could not see much of the fighting taking place there due to the darkness. "The dawn will come, and with it, a new age. All we have to do is hold out. I'll be joining the battle at the south gate. Inform my guard. Have the reserves begin gathering at the palace."

"Yes, Your Excellency. But the Captain of the Excalibur signaled again, he's awaiting orders. What shall we signal back?"

"Tell him to move in and land his marines behind the enemy lines, they know what to do. If the enemy airship comes into his sights he is to engage them."

"Yes Your Excellency."

"The North bridge is being crossed by the enemy!" yelled another messenger as he came running up to the former Duke.


"Forces under Queen Henrietta's direct command! They've raised a new bridge at the north gate! They need reinforcements!"

"How did this happen?!"

"It was the girl with the red blades! She leapt over the river itself and started cutting everyone down! She's a monster! Matilda de Saxe-Gotha is with her as well!"

"Damn it all! Twice now she's escaped certain death at my hands. There won't be a third! Change of plans, I want everyone to listen to me very carefully now and act with all haste!"

"I'm sure Brinvilliers didn't see this coming!" cheered Matilda after she cut the throat of the last enemy she had to fight


Getting heated up now!
Vanessa Masters chapter 27 . 7/31/2019
"It's the truth. Stop thinking only about yourself! Think about us too. And if you don't give a damn about me, then think of her. You know how much she loves and treasures you. If you got hurt or worse out there…" Eleonore couldn't help herself from tearing up at the thought of what she was saying.

After a short pause to breath and control her emotions she continued talking to her little sister, "I love Cattleya just as much as she loves you. And I love you just as much as she does. You've never been able to accept that everything we do is because we love you so much. You'll never be able to understand how much I've been through for the two of you. I don't need your gratitude. But I don't think your respect is too much to ask is it?"

"Have you ever considered that I don't know these things because you never open up to me? Maybe you do to Cattleya, I don't know. But you never talk to me about anything. I always worry about you,

You know what my earliest memory of you is Eleonore? Peeking into your room and watching you cry at night. And I never knew why. All I knew was that my big sister was always hurting. And I remember it made me angry! I remember that much. Being angry a lot... I remember thinking that if I could make everyone angry at me instead of you, that you wouldn't cry anymore!"

Eleonore fell back into her chair while throwing her glasses off her face and buried her head in her hands. "So it was all my fault…"

Louise knelt down infront of her sister and gave her an awkward hug by putting her head on her big sister's lap, "Nothing was your fault Eleonore..."

"Yes it was… I'm not ready to talk about it right now Louise. But it was. It's my burden to carry. Not yours. So please… Just tell me who hurt you. I have to know!" Eleonore spoke through her sobs.

"It was Guiche de Gramont. He hit me. I slapped him first, and he hit me back."

"Guiche de Gramont did this to you? That little bastard! I'm going to make a rug out of his hide!"

"Forget him right now, it's not important! Tell me what's wrong with you Eleonore? Please… I have to know too. I can feel your pain as if it were my own right now. Please… Let me in."

"I can't Louise… I actually want to. But I can't yet," she answered while pulling her sister up into a tight embrace. "But when this is all over. We'll talk about it. I'll tell you everything. But right now. I just can't."

At least Louise and Elenore open up to each other, I’m glad for that, now we just have to deal with Kerin. And I’m with Derf, stay away from Guiche until he’s gotten over his issue or is dead.
Vanessa Masters chapter 26 . 7/31/2019
Oh boy, Karin lost as she was told, which worked in Marius favor as he seems to becoming unhinged.
Vanessa Masters chapter 25 . 7/31/2019
Another dream for Calista, what does it mean?

And Karin, damn, I wish Karin had been knocked down a peg, and Calista doesn’t need to learn her place, she is a living sentient being, Karin would never accept hat for herself, a d you are not Calista better. She is her own better, and she’ll get better everyday.

Karin is just going to get so disappointed.

Oh Elonire, Wait, So Louise still has that blue haired guy for her fiancée in this AU? I wonder if Calista will meet him or something.
Vanessa Masters chapter 23 . 7/31/2019
Thank god, Charles was convinced otherwise.

I love it! Adorable pirate calista...anpurase I never expected to say.

"So why do you think she reacted the way she did?" asked Louise.

Calista next found herself looking at Sylphid layin in the grass just outside the camp with Tabitha and Kirche resting up against her reading a book together. A small reminder of better times in another life she mused to herself before turning around and headed back into the town.

"She's hurtin' a lot inside. I think she just doesn't want ya to go through what she's been through. She doesn't want ya to be like her. But if you really wanna know for sure… Ya just gotta ask her yourself." said Derflinger.

"If only it were that simple…" answered Louise

But makes sense.
Vanessa Masters chapter 22 . 7/31/2019
This constitution thing and Calista own conflicting feels are causing a lot of problems.
Vanessa Masters chapter 20 . 7/30/2019
"Listen to me Louise. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking I don't care about you. You're my sister before anything else. I get that you found something that's making a big difference in your life, that's not a bad thing. Just be cautious going forward and remember who and what you are. You're not a warrior or whatever it is you think you were trying to be. So don't get anymore crazy ideas, alright?"



"A Sith. That's what I'm trying to be. What I want to be. I want to be a Sith, like Calista. That's what I've decided, that's what I've committed to."

"What's a Sith?"

"That's a tough one to explain. A Sith is a warrior empowered by the Force. If you spend some time with Calista, and see what she's capable of, you'll understand what I've come to aspire to..."

"Don't define yourself by other people Louise. I can't always be here to smack start your head when your brain stops working. I meant it. Don't forget who and what you are and what's expected of you. Father won't be pleased at all if you starting chasing some stupid life of adventure and grandeur."

"The alternative is a life of mediocrity and doing nothing of any significance at all…"

"That depends on what you define as significant. You don't have to be a story book hero to do something meaningful with your life. I know you don't respect my work and things I do for it, but there's more to power than your skills with violence. Power, the word itself, just literally means the ability to do something. Keep that in mind as you explore your options with what you have now."

"I see your point, and I can't really argue with it. But, that alternative for me, I don't feel it. I feel something else calling to me, something I can't explain or comprehend yet. But I want to understand it."

"Then focus on that Louise. Understanding should be your first step. Before you try anything else. Alright?"

"Yes big sister.


I agree with Eleonore and Julio, I agree and disagree, I mean if you use both light and dark, it’s balance. That’s all that matters. And what has that Duke done to cause such a stir, I don’t see the point in his plan.
Vanessa Masters chapter 19 . 7/30/2019
A little humor with Derf, they find Matilda’s sister, but things get serious again
Vanessa Masters chapter 18 . 7/30/2019
That Felix is intolerable as is Eleonore.
Vanessa Masters chapter 17 . 7/30/2019
Lol Julio bathing naked, there’s a image, and a ‘butt’ too. Lol

Oh my, did Calista have her eyes restored cause she sized light healing? Intriguing!

And I’m against Kirche,
Love is love, and what Louise feels for Derf and Vice
Versa is t sickening, or damaging, so it should be left alone. I mean, some would see sketches with Marlene as
Sick and wrong.

And besides, if magic could turn a wooden puppet into a real boy, maybe it can do something for Derf. Who knows.


Calista was singing in a low and soft tone. It wasn't loud enough to draw attention from anyone except Julio's hyper awareness. He reached out through the Force to perceive what was happening where the Sith was and allow him to understand the words she was singing in the Echani language.

"The moon will rise. The goddess shall smile on us. All shall be well. So have no fear. And sleep my dear."

Julio decided to withdraw his senses and allow the Sith her privacy. He very much doubted she wanted this side of her to be seen by anyone, but it left him with an enigma to ponder. He'd always been taught that the Sith were as close to pure evil as anything could get but this young woman seemed anything but. He didn't doubt she was capable of doing evil, but he could sense the conflict in her. She didn't seem to be able to reconcile who she wanted to be with who she truly is. He needed more information before he could come to any sort of conclusion about this person that wasn't based on his preconceptions of the Sith.


And Derf and Louise vows, so touching!
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