Reviews for A Dragon's Instinct to Protect
Love Meliodas Dragneel chapter 2 . 6/23
I really really love this story so much. . . I just really wish you finished it. . .
Guest chapter 2 . 5/16
damn should have known it was his father
DS chapter 2 . 1/16
Hi i know its been 5years since you wrote this story but pls continue and finish it i love to know how this story gonna go till it ends plz try to write and finish it u dont know me and i dont know u but pls still try to finish this.
Ingaomars chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
Please update this, this story is amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 9/8/2018
Please write more
dogsrcool5 chapter 2 . 5/7/2018
Please write more
Megumi'Chuu chapter 2 . 4/26/2018
Pleeeeease, please please tell me that you have not given up on this story. You’re one of my favorite authors and all your stories kick ass! Much live and hopefully you’ll get back to this
Guest chapter 2 . 1/6/2018
why won't you continue?this story is kickass.
elisahbethc.gilg chapter 1 . 8/14/2017
update please!?
bunnygirl2510 chapter 1 . 8/9/2017
update please I love this story
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
Mira is screaming about how they could hide the kids and Laxus is sitting there like 'well I managed to hide them from myself so...'
the real narnia chapter 2 . 4/29/2017
I know that you put this story in a back burner and that you haven't used it for over a year, but I finally read it and it's amazing. I have a deep love of your fanfics and this story is just so adorable!
Honestly I want to see Laxus miserable for helping the kids; like taking them to a theme park or something, even tho he'll get sick as hell. It'll be so sweet!
I also wanna see Lucy practicing her magic so she can hold out more shirts at once that'll be so cute. And I'd love to see Aquarius meet the kids. :)
Also we haven't seen much from Juvia Gajeel or Levy so (unless I missed it and they are there) I'm gonna assume that they were all out on jobs and we get to see their amazing reaction when they get back.
Don't remember what fic it was but Laxus got his kids from the future in that one and Gajeel totally accepted the fact that he had two year old kids or something because Metallicana never taught him anything about the human reproduction system. :D
No but seriously this is great, I'd love to see more, and I especially cannot wait to see Laxus beat the ever loving crap out of Ivan for scaring his kids.
darkhunter1982 chapter 2 . 4/10/2017
Is there goi g to be an update anytime soon i really like this one
Emily chapter 2 . 4/5/2017
Please update i love this story
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 2 . 2/14/2017
I bloody well knew it was Ivan but is that Minerva?
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