Reviews for No Fear
Neo-byzantium chapter 1 . 7/4
I quite like this idea. I wonder what the future holds for Daimen now that Mark is on his side? Mark will likely end up becoming Daimen's right hand man as he rises to power and will eventually turn against God due to Daimen whispering stuff into his ear about how God is to blame for all the world's problems since he won't use his powers directly to aid Humanity.

By the time of "The Omen III", Mark will undoubtedly see Daimen as Humanity's saviour and may even serve as a conscience of sorts for Daimen to use his powers to actually aid Humanity.
Crystal chapter 1 . 10/5/2017
Loved it, wished this alternate version was in the movie.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
I liked this. Another favorite to add when I get my account here in October. I do love reading Omen stories that feature Damien and Mark. I thought you put a nice spin on the what if idea, and it helped inspire me a little with the Omen story I am working on with a similar concept, only he didn't take the deal something else happens entirely.

It's a shame that there aren't more Omen stories. That story "The Last Great Delusion" sounded like a good read. It's possible FFN caught the user breaking one of their rules, like the MA content rule for example, and removed their account because of it. Still sorry to hear that a potential read is gone. Oh well.

Still a fantastic read.