Reviews for Comfort
Write-To-You chapter 1 . 1/6/2017
Flash frost chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
wooow this is dope! barry and cait always there for each other...
Nym13 chapter 1 . 7/12/2015 fluffy and sweet really I envy writers like you who have the knack for writting sweet dessert cakes like this one (because I only know how to write long angsty fics), love the line at the end it was the cherry on top.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2015
Caitlin is not a medical doctor. She's a bio-engineer. They call her "Doctor" because she has a PhD and thus can claim the title. She has some medical training because she has to be familiar with the human body. But she is not a doctor in the same way Henry Allen is.
stefanie bean chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
Hi, here from TRLT Review tag.

The recap at the beginning brings me up to speed but doesn't overdo the exposition, which is a plus. Being canon-blind, I appreciate that.

You make good use of visuals to describe Barry's emotional state ("mouth drawn in a thin line, eyes distracted," "thin sheen of sweat") Thumbs-up, too, for telling us what Barry smells like to Caitlan ("like soap") and how she reacts to that ("oddly comforting.") Smell is one of the most primal senses in attraction.

Can Caitlan not fall for Barry because they're co-workers, or is there some other in-canon reason? Otherwise, it's not clear why she can't fall in love with him; they obviously like one another and she seems to be single at the moment.

The prom invitation by means of mathematics was cute and amusing. It also provides insight into Barry's taste in women (an intellectual girl who could decipher an invitation like that.)

You transition well from one in-scene event to another, especially through the use of natually-flowing dialogue. The dialogue reveals well the characters' emotional states, especially that of the non-POV character. Also, your dialogue points well to past events, like Caitlan's drunken adventure at the karaoke bar, and how she feels about that. Finally, I really like your preference for action tags (“Barry ran a hand through his hair, looking defeated”) rather than the sole use of dialogue tags like “He said,” “She said.”

The only aspect of the dialogue which made me pause was the slang ("prompose," "emo," as well as thinking in caps.) This sounded a bit out of place for two professionals in their late twenties or early thirties with an MD and (most likely, as he's a scientist) PhD between them. If that's how the characters talk in canon, then ignore this.

Re: your A/N, I didn't think the plot was lame. To me, fluff is best when it involves slice-of-life domestic realism, something as simple as going out for pizza. Own the fluff! I liked it; it was sweet and emotionally endearing.
BethBoop chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
This was a cute little one-shot. I'm not a huge snowbarry shipper but I do love their relationship as friends, and I feel like this definitely played on that (whether you meant it to be friends, or more?) Haha.
snnowfrostt chapter 1 . 5/12/2015
Aaaaawwwww, Caitlin always bring the best out of Barry!
ashencharlie chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
Where's the 'like' button? 'cause this was so darn sweet! I loved it.
EmeraldGuardian7 chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
I love this story so much! Please write more Snowbarry! I want this to be canon so bad! Supposed to e lots of Snowbarry feels in this weeks episode. Can't wait!
RadCherishIsEve chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
So you know that I'm not so huge on The Flash (blame Arrow) but you also know that I am a huge SnowBarry shipper!

I would like to point out that Caitlin and I are similar due to us wanting to forget and never mention what happened when we were drunk.

And also, fluff overload! Like, where did all the sugar and sweets come from? But I loved it! I'm actually glad it didn't end up with a kiss or something, like I love the way it ended, very simple and very sweet. Caitlin being a little in denial was fun, too.

Loved it! And yes! Write more SnowBarry! (For some reason, I want an AU of them...)

P.S. Why did you mention pizza...I want pizza! #toYellowCab
DrCathy chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
Oh gosh that was absolutely adorable! I love it. And of course you should write more Snowbarry!
ISeeItIShipIt chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
You should, NO, YOU MUST write more SnowBarrys. I really loved the story, but I've got to admit... My favourite part was the A/N, I love your sense of humor, you seem really joyful, though for all I know you could be a serial killer... Or you could be Caitlin, or Barry *SuspiciousFace*.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
I loved
Elliecantswim chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
please write more snowbarry !
Brico4889 chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
Danielle Panabaker say that the Snowbarry fans will love episode 19