Reviews for Anything Can Happen
Guest chapter 7 . 5/3
I like this story a lot, and I hope to see it updated soon.
klavscaroline chapter 7 . 4/11
this was so good, i really hope you continue this! i loved the banter between klaus and caroline and how they both tried to deny their feelings at first but their chemistry was obviously off the roof. I also liked how basically everyone around them was aware of their feelings for each other and was just waiting for them to get their act together. I hope that Caroline decides to stay in New Orleans!
ashlytorres24 chapter 5 . 8/7/2018
Yayyyyy! Stefan needs to go awayyy
ashlytorres24 chapter 4 . 8/7/2018
Yaaas Klaroline makeout sesh
ashlytorres24 chapter 3 . 8/7/2018
I’m straight swooning! :)))))
ashlytorres24 chapter 2 . 8/7/2018
I forgot ff won’t let me review twice! Anyways, I might be on a binge with re-reading all your stories! :) Gah, Klaroline is perfect! I forgot how much I hate Stefan.
ashlytorres24 chapter 7 . 8/7/2018
Omggggg I need the next chapter! :D I love Klaroline and I love Caroline interacting with the Mikaelsons! After that ridiculous finale, this is exactly what I needed. I reread the story and wrote reviews on anon, but I don’t see them, hopefully they show up!
ashlytorres24 chapter 6 . 8/7/2018
Another great chapter!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/26/2018
My review’s not showing :(
I wrote a long one and it was around the time you updated this chapter. Well just wanted to say that I loved it a lot.
TwilightHybrid chapter 7 . 7/26/2018
That was so sweet of Klaus. He's falling hard for Caroline and dont even realize it. She's feeling him too but is afraid that he doesn't feel the same way. Based upon their night being a success between them I'll say she's wrong. I so love how Katherine, Marcel Rebekah, Kol and even Elijah can see that Klaus really really likes her. Now he just has to break it to Stefan. Wonder hiw that's gonna go. Wonder what Stefan will think if he sees Klaus coming out of Caroline's room...trouble. Update soon!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/23/2018
Please update soon!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/22/2018
Love this! Also can’t wait to see how Stefan reacts in the morning, I hope she yells at him if he gets weird on her again.
NikMik chapter 7 . 7/18/2018
i'm so excited about this update! :)

"dressed to impress i see. anyone in particular?"
haha yessss caroline!

lexi wanting to meet the mikaelson parents to congratulate them on such beautiful babies LOL. this is too funny.

whoa...a baby! wasn't expecting that. i wonder how stefan will take the news. i think he'll be happy.

are stefan & caroline on good terms now? i still feel like things are a little tense & awkward. i'm not talking about with klaus...but like just with them bonding as siblings.

i wonder if elena also sensed that caroline was upset with stefan for not spending time with her or if she's just oblivious to it all. it was nice of her though to invite caroline to girls night.

are katherine & elena close?

aw klaus keeps looking at the door for caroline to show up

"there was only one woman he would like to spend his night charming." eeee the feels!

oh marcel is with sophie? i was hoping him & rebekah would get together. oh well. bonnie & enzo are supposed to be showing up later right? maybe rebekah & enzo?

LOL kol is a mess! wait til he figures out that his brother is crushing on caroline.

"i hope you're at least subtler around stefan." lol.

wait where's henrik? in college? can't wait for more sibling bonding!

what's the deal with mikael?

aw it seems like this might be the start of a friendship between rebekah & caroline.

"i'd use the word 'blessing' if i had to choose one." lol i can't with kol!

i like marcel & klaus' friendship. i like how marcel teases klaus about his crush on caroline but is also rooting for them to work out. i also really like how he gave spot-on advice about winning caroline over. he gave klaus the perfect advice because he knows klaus so well.

i also really appreciate the vulnerability we see in klaus regarding how he approaches caroline. he knows that caroline could never just be a fling. she's something more. he knows he has to change his game to prove that to her but he doesn't know how to. he's so out of element & that scares him.

"though maybe i shouldn't have said that to him in front of the girl." LOL

"ugh lexi's right. your parents deserve some congratulations. for your beautiful face & i mean, your siblings were clearly blessed in the gene department too." hahaha this is all too funny!

aw elijah showing up to pick up katherine & rebekah. this whole interaction with him, klaus, katherine & rebekah is also very funny!

caroline has katherine's seal of approval. that's a good sign. although not that they actually need it. i'm sure the rest of the mikaelsons will be giving their opinions as well.

wait...what happened to caroline's shoes? lol

"yes, there was no place he'd rather be." the song "rather be" by clean bandit comes to mind. klaroline vibes with that one.

i know klaus thinks he just says all the wrong things...but he's really genuinely saying all the right things right now & it's giving me major feels!

oh boy...will klaus still be there when she wakes up? or will he be gone before then so as to not get caught by stefan? or will stefan catch them together?

so it seems like klaus & caroline are making some progress. i think maybe they still have some things they need to discuss between them, once both parties are sober. like is this going to turn into a long-distance relationship?

i would love to see klaus take caroline out on a proper date. hehe.

can't wait to read more! update very soon please! ;)
Guest chapter 7 . 7/18/2018
Read the whole story in one day, thank you for writing it! It has a very sweet approach on klaroline, both Klaus and Caroline are just adorable with each other, and the dialogue is spot on! Cant wait to read more!
Elle chapter 7 . 7/17/2018
Definitely worth the wait! I’m praying the next chapter picks up the next morning :)
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