Reviews for Order of the Arrow
Guest chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
Really like this
Guest chapter 25 . 11/2/2019
Why did you remove "eating habits"?! Pls return it! I love it! (I'm sure your the author right?)
dark wolf of death chapter 25 . 9/2/2019
Well I am sad that you wont be continuing this story. It is such an amazing story and has drawn me in. I hope honestly, one day you will finish it because it is that good and you are a talented writer.
Guest chapter 25 . 3/1/2019
I hope some day you will return! These are amazing and well written stories. I hope you find a way to continue it some day! you have fans! Pls a chapter every few months?
Makkashi0623 chapter 25 . 9/22/2018
This story had an incredibly interesting idea behind it and had so much potential. It's saddening to hear that not only did a talented fanfic author lose their drive but to also lose such great stories. It's also a shame that writing Elsanna stories have caused you so much grief and fear just because you enjoyed it. Everyone should be allowed their opinions on what they want to write without prejudice. I for one like Elsanna and other ships dealing with incest (mainly lesbian lol) for a number of reasons such as the psychological standpoint of the couple going through the hardships to achieve that form of true love regardless of being related. If at all possible, I'd love to do what I can to prevent a good story from the fate of incompletion and wish to try my hand in doing it justice while also giving your fans what they want, you gave me the courage to step up and start writing fanfictions. Apologies for such a lengthy review, I only wished to voice my thoughts and feelings on the subject.
P.S. I believe you should keep the account up
Guest chapter 25 . 9/22/2018
I say to keep the account. I like re-reading stories and u’ll never know that someone might want to adopt this story from u if u allow it.
Guest chapter 24 . 9/8/2018
Pls keep your account! I really like your stories and if you delete the account I can never reread them again! Pretty pls just leave it! And if you don't update ever again can you just post a notice to say the account is abandoned or something instead?! So that we readers can still read you finished stuff?! But if you ever get into this again pls update!
Guest chapter 24 . 4/9/2018
Wow awesome story I really hope you finish it! And can you hurry up with the update pls? I really love this story! Anyways update soon !
Fridzorr chapter 1 . 6/13/2017
Definitely one of the best elsanna fanfics out there! I hope you will continue the story because I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't wait to see how it would end!
SinglePenguin chapter 24 . 4/9/2017
I love your story fic, what you want to call it. It's wonderful the story you've written with your free time. I know it's been more than one year, but I still have hove you'll update your fic for the ones that arrive to your fic, despite the time that you didn't update it. I don't know the reasons why you stopped updating the fic, but I would like to give you hope that anyone will blame you for updating a year and 2 months later. At least from me, I wouldn't blame anyone, because I understand, you, writers have your own family and problems. I hope you'll update this wonderful ficD
Cyrianu chapter 24 . 10/3/2016
asdjgkdljkfldsasdkjlfasdfs -gush-

That was so beautiful - them laying on the bed reading poetry to each other... -melts into a puddle-

I loved Elsa's reaction to the idea of her having to dress up as a man for Anna - very funny.

The assessment of her class was interesting to hear. Spot on regarding Hans, I think - if it weren't for his arrogance, he certainly would have the charisma.

The love letter was wonderfully crafted. You do feel a little bad for Kristoff, but she did try to let him down easy earlier... it was his own jealousy that led her to coming up with the letter as a solution.
wendyisanasshole chapter 24 . 10/2/2016
rathofawesomeness chapter 24 . 10/2/2016
Aww Kristoff... I feel kinda bad for him but Elsanna forever!
ElsaTheSnowQueen2 chapter 23 . 9/18/2016
Wonderful chapter and I love it! And good thing Kristoff was there to stop Hans! I wish Anna luck. And keep up the awesome work!
Guest chapter 23 . 9/4/2016
Jealous elsaaa pls
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