Reviews for Fates Collide
Guest chapter 28 . 7/13
Just re-read this story. It is awesome. You write well and don’t rush things. You set the scene well so I can envision it in my head. Well done! Any chance you’ll write another Callie and Arizona story?
Guest chapter 28 . 5/29
Just finished this and damn... what an amazing story.
Bookslover19 chapter 28 . 4/5
you actually make me cry you know. I'm not sure if this is the third, fourth? story of yours that I have ready consecutively but my god, you never fail to astound me!

how do you do it? because I'm not even joking. you're amazing! you really really are and I wish I could just give you a hug to say thank you or something.

I love your stories, I love how it makes me feel everything at once. everything is natural're incredible. I don't have words right now ahahaha, I really dont. but I can't thank you enough for sharing this, for sharing your talent. you have all my love and more. thank you 3
Guest chapter 28 . 2/28/2019
Omg this was absolutely beautiful! amazing amazing story! *sniffles*
I think we need a sequel! ;)
Guest chapter 9 . 2/27/2019
Ahhh Addison makes me want to push her down a flight of stairs! Lol idk why she annoys me so much
MakeItSoWesley chapter 12 . 11/29/2018
So I’m like super high right now but god damn that was amazing. I just I can’t even.
rkmp chapter 3 . 10/15/2018
I like this story. thanks you.
I can't stop myself to read it even at work (bad bad bad
Guest chapter 28 . 7/22/2018
Just finished this story. I really loved it! Didn’t want it to end!
Guest chapter 24 . 6/25/2018
I’m re-reading this and it’s even better the second time around. It’s the ultimate slo-burn. The dialogue is just spot-on. It’s not rushed, or extraneous or contrived. It just seems so real and accurate. It’s as if I can see the scenes playing out. It’s been a great read! I’m not even finished, but wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed reading this. Well done!
Guest chapter 28 . 6/12/2018
PLEASE KEEP WRITING! You can really tell a story!
nmathaha chapter 28 . 3/13/2018
I loved it very much. Thank you . And I'm going to make sure I look for other stories that wrote.
Josephine chapter 28 . 12/30/2017
I love your intensity and their intensity. I love your words and their words. I love your vision of love and life. I love your psychological insights and great subtlety. I love your deep description of Arizona's first orgasm with Callie, in the theatre: "the amazing orgasm she was going to have, that was just beyond her reach". It is indeed an elusive quest during the build-up of tension, a matter of life and death almost, in it's irrepressible urgency, just beyond reach... And your metaphor for the climax, "Pleasure exploded, white hor from her core, outward": I love how your story embodies this great "outward" radiation that is a powerful female orgasm and a fulfilled love, more generally. A radiation that spreads outward in ever greater circles, from the core, the nucleus where the intensity has buit, to the rest of the body and every single one of its cells, from toes to brain, to the lover who has prompted and receives this outpoor of emotion, to the other spheres of life, friendships, social interactions, work, but also the past and the future even, which all become transformed by this wave.

Thank you for this riveting read.
AZCapshaw chapter 28 . 12/21/2017
This is the most perfect ending to the most beautiful writing! Amazing, I loved it!
Guest chapter 28 . 10/24/2017
You took a relatively common fanfiction plot and turned into something original and beautiful. The final 3 paragraphs had me in tears. I loved it.
Delightfullittleprick chapter 28 . 9/6/2017
I just found this story and absolutely loved it!
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