Reviews for Rave On
Guest chapter 5 . 6/11
NatalieLynn chapter 5 . 12/13/2016
I really enjoyed this story!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/17/2016
Klaus is sooo nice
sososhort84 chapter 5 . 10/7/2015
Loved your story.
However Long chapter 5 . 6/12/2015
Totally love this and wish you would have continued the story further. If only the writers of TVD were as smarrt as you ")
Lilly Navarro chapter 5 . 6/3/2015
This was an absolutely beautiful read. I love how you wrote both these characters. This is how Klaus would have handled emotions off Caroline, with patiences and stoicism.

Thanks for a great story!
iamkatherine chapter 4 . 5/30/2015
I'm so sorry, I accidentally clicked the post button! Haha. Well, that last sentence was meant to say "but I could only imagine how much thought and effort went into writing this" and I wanted to continue to say that I appreciated this so so much and I will carry it with me. I read a lot of fics and this one is always going to be special to me. It stands out so much and I am in love with it. Thank you so so much! Obviously, I think you did an impeccable job! I am so jealous of your talent! :)
iamkatherine chapter 5 . 5/30/2015
This was such an incredible story. I laughed and I cried. You nailed the no emotions on the head. This is how TVD should have done it. This tugged on my heart for sure. Every little thing in every chapter was so naturally connected but I could only imagine the effort and thothat went into this.
wontyoutakeachance chapter 5 . 5/29/2015
bellamywinchester chapter 5 . 5/29/2015
I can't truthfully say I disliked a single thing about this. I was a bit perplexed by Caroline wanting him to shave lol but that's a personal preference - this story was perfect.

I love that she said she'd maybe go to NOLA in the first chapter and then totally didn't in the next, so great. I wasn't expecting that.
I love love love all the moments where she drinks from him, damn they were hot. And the way she provoked in Ch2 by nicking her finger on his fangs
Absolutely in love with the fact she knew the whole time that being with him was dangerous, that it had the capability of turning her emotions back on, and yet she never pushed him away but allowed him to spend the day with her every 3 months.
Really appreciate all the wonderful detail you put into all the places you mentioned. I'd be genuinely shocked if you haven't actually been to all of them because A plus plus descriptions.
Really liked that you didn't only do one of their POV's btw! It worked so well this way.
You hinted at so so many amazing things that I really wish you would continue this, perhaps in a separate story (because I do love this ending so so much - the line is perfect)? One of my favourite lines in the entire story is when she asks why he's allowing her to do this to him and he says they'll talk about it when her humanity is back. I would've loved for them to reprise that conversation and also you had such a strong amazing torturous build-up to sex that I was really surprised there was no sex scene lol. I totally understand that she was in a traumatised head space though, but you can see why I'd totally love an (OS?) continuation of this hehe. Must. Resolve. Sexual. Tension. ;)
I really really loved Klaus' assurances that she would be able to handle turning it back on and that regardless, he would be there for her. This story was so intimate, all the time, despite her having no humanity. It created such a wonderful and close bond between the two of them that I really admire you for being able to create while one character wasn;t even in her right mind.

Words cannot explain how much my heart grew when she said no one would love her as much as her mom did ever again and he said Debatable. Like yessssss he does love her unconditionally siiiiigh I'm getting feels all over again.
Your description of Caroline dealing with her grief was acutely perfect, by the way. I quite recently lost my mom and that paragraph hurt so much that I had to skip a lot of it, so really well done.
Heh and I liked the return of the yoga.

Generally I have to say I love the whole concept of this story, that he let her have her year, because it's always been my headcanon that he would've let her have it. It's honestly so epic that I'm not sure the summary does it justice (ugh isn't writing summaries the worst?) but the title is pretty perfect. The whole story is like one long rave albeit a heartwrenching one.

Just ugh. So fantastic. I hope it came across how much I love this. I studied until 2am yesterday and then I found this fic and though I was exhausted, I couldn't go to sleep before finishing it. Truly truly amazing job. This really is what should have been.
ARecklessTeenager chapter 5 . 5/17/2015
THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL :(((((((( (- dont worry this is a good sign)

Oscardrivesmewil chapter 5 . 4/20/2015
Oh my god I love this story! So good! I mean it was just the right amount of dark and sadness but also beauty and hope and just loved it! Although I'd love to see an epilogue of them together and Klaus loving how she is with her emotions on etc but not cause this story isn't perfect on its own, more cause it's so perfect just want to keep reading!) Awesome job!
Hellzz-on-Earth chapter 5 . 4/16/2015
Klaus is like no other and Caroline definitely knows this. Love the intensity with which you wrote them. Going through Caroline's humanity-less stint, the aftermath of her turning it back on was kept you on your toes. Loved it.
Thank you for sharing.
Hellzz-on-Earth chapter 4 . 4/16/2015
Yes! Caroline needed this time to not deal with her loss, but Klaus sees what she needs and she can't resist him forever. NOLA here Klaroline come!
Hellzz-on-Earth chapter 3 . 4/16/2015
Klaus will always get to Caroline regardless of having her humanity off. I love him!
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