Reviews for I'm not going anywhere
tinkbooklover chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
Om gwhat happened continue
Karyanawel chapter 1 . 3/18/2015
God, I've read so many versions of recovery fics, and each is as amazing as the one before!
What I love about this one in particular is, for starters, the realism of it. You haven't forgotten anything to make the scene conceivable. For example in the first part of it, you don't only focus on Marcus's worries or the description of the scene... I'm not being clear.

"The pain is bearable, but still uncomfortable, altough he tries not to let it show."
This sentence is simple enough, yeah? But to me it's a great sentence: it's concise, clear, it reads easily but still conveys the image we need to picture the scene. What I'm trying to say I guess is that the gift of writing is found in the sentences that are deceptively simple, and finding the right words is something you definitely can do.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I must sound like a crazy person getting passionate about a sentence... But hun, it's not about the sentence, it's about the style. You're awesome.

Concerning the story itself, it's a great take on a possible 2.16 aftermath. I especially love Jackson's and Bellamy's cameos, reminding us that while we wish they were - Kabby aren't alone in this world busy making heart eyes at each other.
Hand holding! It's pathetic how in love I am with their love that it makes my heart flutter to read about any part of their bodies touching :D

I think it's your first The 100 OS? Do NOT hesitate writing more!
Camills chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
I absolutely loved it. Please continue this , i'll pay you ahaha. You write beautifully and you killed me with feels, like i wish this is how it's gonna go