Reviews for The Knight Before The Dawn
Sean Malloy-1 chapter 9 . 10/12/2015
Is there going to be a sequel to this?
Nightraze chapter 9 . 9/3/2015
Loves this story! It was a very enjoyable and fun reread! It was written really well and I really enjoyed all the characterisation, everyone just felt so alive. I really would love a sequel to this story if you ever feel up to it because I want to know what happens next! I feel so sad knowing that Ahsoka doesn't know the full story and thinks that Barriss fully betrayed her, especially since I got to read how close and 'attached' the two were at the beginning of this story. This story made me so emotionally invested in them. And this ending, oh Barriss *sob* things just keep getting worse for you :( .. I really don't want this story leaving off on such a depressing point, so again, please write a sequel! (that hopefully gets a bit more happy then this one).

Thanks again for writing this! :)
Nightraze chapter 8 . 9/3/2015
Great chapter! I think its an interesting idea how the nanodroids affect Barriss's grasp on the force. It would suck not having proper control. I really feel for Barriss and Ahsoka in this chapter. It really wouldn't be nice getting hit around, but it also wouldn't be nice to hit around a friend because your afraid to die.. *sod* /hang in there you two/. And damn Anakin is scary, even more so because we get to see it from Barriss's POV.
Nightraze chapter 7 . 9/3/2015
hmm... I wonder what would of happened if Luminara had that discussion that she obviously wanted with Barriss, would she of finally gotten around to discussing things properly, or apologies?.. And Tarkin is such an evil bastard, sometimes I wonder if I hate Tarkin or Palpatine more. I'm really enjoying this reread :)
Nightraze chapter 6 . 9/3/2015
Things just keep getting worse and worse for our poor padawan.. I always wondered how canon Barriss was able to get into the prison (if it really was her), because its supposed to be extremely secure, it makes me think she had some help from somewhere.. _ *looking at Palpatine* .. Btw how did Palpatine learn of Barriss's involvement? Did one of his sources tell him off-screen or something? or perhaps the Dark Side of the force did? or did I miss something? I do feel like the electric nanodroids seem like a bit of a plot-device, especially since I haven't heard of anything like that before in the Star Wars universe, but I can still buy it. And its an interesting idea.
Nightraze chapter 5 . 9/3/2015
I liked the Ahsoka and Barriss interactions, it's nice how Ahsoka is trying to cheer Barriss up, but its a bit sad at the end when Barriss realises that Ahsoka sees things differently then her. I mean I don't fully agree with Barriss either, as a war as big as this one would have many complicated things happening in the background and no one (besides perhaps Palpatine) would have a full grasp on things, but I do see Barriss's point as well.. And Luminara was giving Barriss the eye? Really not the best time for an argument, even a silent one..
Nightraze chapter 4 . 9/3/2015
I wonder if something did just go wrong or if the bomb was purposely set off? And damn, I really have the feels for Barriss, even if she should not of planned the attack in the first place, she didn't think something like thing would happen. It would be horrible to know you are at least a bit responsible for something like this.. In the show I wonder who it was that recommended Anakin and Ahsoka for the investigation, I mean there would be a lot of other Jedi off-world at the time of the bombing and Anakin and Ahsoka don't really specialise in investigations. I wonder if Palpatine had some say on the matter and if that was the reason why they where chosen..
Nightraze chapter 3 . 9/3/2015
And down the rabbit hole she goes... I really feel for Barriss in this chapter. While it's very cute how Barriss feels about Ahsoka, it defiantly complicates things. But I do think Luminara went about it horrible. It's also interesting how Barriss was 'taught' to handle her emotions: just bury them down and hope you don't go crazy from them. A very unhealthy way to deal with emotions. I could actually see this as the way she tried to deal with her emotions in the canon show, it would certainly explain a bit more about how she went crazy in S5.
Nightraze chapter 2 . 9/3/2015
Great chapter! Your really good at characterisations, I really felt like Fisto and Luminara (and of course Barriss) are real and interesting people. It was a cute moment when was Barriss sleeping. And I believe I know who Barriss met at the end there... I believe things are going to start to get messy after this chapter...
Nightraze chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Hey, Crimsonight! I already read this story before on you DeviantART account, but I felt like rereading it. :)

I really love the characterisation of Barriss in this chapter! I love when people write stories about Barriss and how she got to that point in S5 finale, because I felt like her transformation from S2 to how she was in S5 was a bit out of the left field, as they just didn't give Barriss enough character development in the show. Anywayz, great chapter, I'm going to the next chapter now..
zero the crimson knight chapter 9 . 5/9/2015
I had always hated how Barriss was suddenly evil and I love your depiction so much that I hope you make a sequel and continue this.
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 9 . 4/4/2015