Reviews for Soul Sight
Mukuro234 chapter 8 . 9/8/2018
Awesome so far
heartbreakerninja chapter 8 . 10/13/2017
Please tell me you haven't abandoned this its too awesome! Will there be anymore?!
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 8 . 9/19/2016
God I hope you come back to this (ha ha that's kind of ironic with what this fic is about and all). Its so interesting and I can't wait to see what happens. I love the idea ad how you came about it. All of the characters are awesome, I love how you wrote heaven and the angels, the flying thing was awesome, the difference between the angels wings and Deans was also awesome. I love Dean's abilities they're interesting and unique. Seriously dude, this is an awesome idea and story and if you ever come back I'll send thousands of kisses or cookies or whatever. :)
Immortal.Sailor.Cosmos chapter 8 . 3/26/2016
I hope you're proud of yourself. You now have me reading Supernatural fanfiction. I've seen all of five episodes from I don't even know which season!
I'm sorry to hear about your hand and surgury, take you time with SnowPoint2, maybe I'll be done with school by then and not have to split my attention from homework to read it. I don't know why ai decided to surf your page, but this is what I get for that decision.
Wunjo chapter 8 . 1/20/2016
Loving this story! Hope you get around to updating it again soonish.
Remember Ember chapter 8 . 8/11/2015
*smiles big*
I know, he was a jerk in the show. But he was only being played. He was only being tricked, again, by someone he thought he could trust.
He thought he was doing the right thing.
It was never his fault.
More soon please!
*puppy dog eyes*
*gets Sam to do his too*
-E. Winchester
Animegirl1279 chapter 8 . 8/1/2015
Can't wait to see what happens next, nice that they got gadreel on their team. Can't wait to sew how tense everyone will be when they all meet up.
UmbrasLupas chapter 8 . 7/25/2015
I want more
Yumitsume chapter 8 . 6/24/2015
This story is very interesting. Please continue it soon.

Ta ta for now ;)
FatesShadow83 chapter 8 . 6/22/2015
hellraven-ovo chapter 8 . 6/22/2015
NEW CHAPTER EEEEEEEEEE When you mentioned prison I just KNEW Dean was going to run into Gadreel, this is great! also, wow, it's been one hundred ninety five thousand years, three months and sixteen days since homo sapiens came? that's a pretty long time to get locked up 0_o
KitCat chapter 7 . 6/1/2015
CONTINUE! I love this fic with all my heart.
Firestar97 chapter 7 . 5/29/2015
You do not need to rewrite this, however you really need to write the next chapter. I can't wait to see what hap next.
Remember Ember chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
...that. was. awesome.
here's a virtual burger for your awesome work.
Now, excuse me for a moment as I get myself some pie so I can double the enjoyment of reading this fic.
...*goes and gets pie*
I'm back, now, on with the fic!
-E. Winchester

PS just noticed that thids didn't post like I thought it did, hehehe, oops
well here's review #1!
Remember Ember chapter 7 . 5/28/2015
Can't help but smile at Gabe's 'training'
bad angels!
No hurting Dean allowed!
now leave him alone and go back to heaven!
-E. Winchester

PS can't wait for more! please hurry though, just give me enough time to restock my pie and burgers first. -
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