Reviews for Meeting Vivian
Guest chapter 9 . 4/5
I love this story so much. I’ve read it many times before but it somehow slipped my mind until I was reading through all your work again. It’s honestly one of my favorite stories everyone is written and fleshed out so well. I would LOVE to read more from this universe! Thank you so much for writing this and bringing me so much joy 3 -Sarah
Guest chapter 9 . 3/27
I love the story. I love vivian and the girls.
DD chapter 9 . 3/17/2019
Brilliant! These stories are so well written and entertaining. Thank you.
Guest chapter 9 . 9/23/2018
Love Vivian and the girls! These stories are awesome! Thank you for posting.
Deanlu chapter 9 . 8/12/2018
I really think there needs to be another story with Andrea in danger and flees to the thirteenth floor to hide.
Deanlu chapter 6 . 8/12/2018
Great chapter. Isn't that the way though. We are so worried about our mortality, we forget about those who could go before us.
Deanlu chapter 2 . 8/12/2018
Nigel, always seeing the important things. The subtle things most don't.
Deanlu chapter 1 . 8/12/2018
Great set up. I'm already loving this story.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/12/2018
Thank you for continuing with Vivian and the models! Such a great story!
Guest chapter 9 . 4/4/2018
Every story with-in this story was wonderful!
eelojnil chapter 9 . 3/23/2018
This is so different than any TDWP ff I have read...and I love it!

Hope you will continue this.
in-the-sometime chapter 9 . 3/4/2017
You have me crying about a ghost. I was also getting worried for her. Thank you for clearing that up. Thank you for this story.
in-the-sometime chapter 6 . 3/3/2017
I'm grinning like a fool.
in-the-sometime chapter 5 . 3/3/2017
I love this so much it's ridiculous. The guardians of the closet. Hahaha
in-the-sometime chapter 2 . 3/3/2017
I love this so much.
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