Reviews for Clint and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
onceuponathought chapter 1 . 4/13
Beautifully crafted and told. I loved reading it.
Katie MacAlpine chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
Loved the story! I agree that Nick was pushing him too hard. Even top agents need more than a few hours between assignments.
Dancer2001 chapter 1 . 4/4/2018
I keep re-reading this and it’s still emotional! Will the one when Barney comes back still be happening?
TheRedScreech chapter 1 . 2/5/2018
This was so wonderful! I loved every bit of it - all the angst and that lovely fluff at the end. Phil is a force of nature! I love your portrayal of him. :D

Thank you for writing!
singinilovebooks chapter 1 . 7/27/2016
Love it. Especially the little bit at the end where nat signs his cast. And the monkey.
Suse B chapter 1 . 7/23/2016
Poor Clint. I hope the jerk really got reamed and some crappy assignments of his own.

I need to read these stories in order because I'm really liking the secondary characters too. chapter 1 . 4/3/2016
Fury is in trouble! I made me slightly gleeful when I read this. And the whole ice cream and monkey repaeat... Not all of Clint's memories with Barney are bad, and it makes me smile. I really like this, and I hope if you ever get the time to do little stories like this again, you will.
BooksAreMedicine chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Enjoying the interactions with Clint and Natasha. I like how Fury sees Clint was right. Those two agents are idiots, if they think the Widow is everywhere and going on a killing spree A. Don't talk trash about her B. Why the heck would they survive? Still nice to see the general attitude at SHIELD too, keeps things in perspective as to Clint's environment. Glad Phil got through to Clint, everyone needs encouragement at some point and Clint for sure needed it. I really enjoyed hearing about Clint's first broken arm and his relationship with Barney. Nice job too, of sneaking in more mentions of his childhood (can't wait to get the circus stories sometime). The ending was just wonderful 3
Ihatechoosinganame chapter 1 . 10/26/2015
Absolutely an amazing story like always
Darian Clarke chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
Think I mentioned a few stories back that I found your stuff and am reading it in chronological order. Just finished this one (been reading when I should be packing to move _ ) and really enjoyed Bryan's monkey. What I loved about this most though was Phil going right into the dragon's den and pulling its beard. Fury may be the one-eyed terror, but Phil wasn't at all intimidated. Thanks for writing this and sharing it!
Arlothia chapter 1 . 5/15/2015
It was nice getting a bit more info on the torture in that don't say that too often do you? :P But still, it's always cool to fill in some gaps.
Fury's master plan. And how long has he been working on that little team up idea I wonder...
And here we were thinking that Clint being sent away so often was so Fury wouldn't blow up when all along it was keeping him mad enough to not let him off early. THAT'S SO SWEET! Where's that charred little Fury Bear when you need it? hehehehehe
Oh, and I love that whenever we're reading Natasha's POV it's always "Barton" and never Clint. It will be fun to see when that changes :)
And I loved that it wasn't until those jerk faces started mouthing off about Fury that Clint went after them. He is nothing if not loyal to a fault. You do not mess with the people he likes and trusts.
You know, every time you mention the rain, particularly if you attach Barney to the situation, I keep thinking about Thor and how it was raining then as well. Wonder if he made any complaints about it afterwards...And I know you have a fic (Milestone if I think?) set during New Mexico so I'm looking forward to finding out!
Dan may joke that Clint is practically a doctor but I'm more inclined to believe that's more true than not. It's not like he seems to spend more time there than anywhere else after all...
You were in rare form with this one! So many beautiful descriptions! "Beautifully annoyed", "tragically damaged psyche", "my little sheltered Russian assassin", personnel parting like the Red Sea... And I loved the human popsicle thing; made me think of Steve :). And let us not forget being pushed by nature! I'm totally using that one the next time I "fall"! Pure gold!
Okay, 6-year-old Clint complaining about the swearing is my new favorite thing! Especially considering what a foul mouth he has now! But wonderful, protective Barney is tearing my freaking heart apart! When did it all change?! You used to be such an awesome big brother! TELL ME! (and yes, that was my best Loki scream :P) Okay, but seriously, is no one going to bring up a certain purple dinosaur one of these days? I keep waiting for an off-handed comment or something. Like when Todd asked who Barney was, I half expected Clint to say: "A purple freakin' dinosaur. That thing is terrifying."
And it is very evident to me that you deal with kindergarten-aged kids! You wrote little Clint so well! I've taught kids from 3-8 years old every Sunday for the past 4-ish years and Clint was spot on! I loved the part where his dad was laughing at the ice cream and Clint just wanted to cry. I could just FEEL both sides of that! As an adult it's funny that something as inconsequential as ice cream should be at the forefront of Clint's mind, though you know he's just a little kid and their priorities are a lot stranger than when they get older. But at the same time I totally get the kid's mind set: he had been waiting for that ice cream, craving it, and now he's hurt and he saw his brother upset and they're both probably in trouble and now the freaking ice cream is ruined. Worst day ever! I would probably cry too! Both as a kid and as an adult! :P And I totally remember as a kid I absolutely LOVED chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup /and/ whipped cream /and/ Milo /and/ sprinkles...I was never a "less is more" kinda kid back then...
And now Clint winning that huge stuffed monkey at Coney Island takes on a whole new meaning, knowing that monkeys are linked to the happiest time of his life before he got plummeted by the hurricane of crap. You really know how to hurt a girl, don't you?
I love how Natasha signed her whole name! I can just see her concentrating, trying to get it clear enough to be legible because I've written on casts before and getting that sharpie to stay in line over all those bumps and ridges is not easy!
And another nice little comparison between our two favorite assassins: Phil is (almost) always able to decipher those small looks in Clint's eyes but so far no one has had much luck with Natasha. It really reminds me of Clint's early days when Phil had no idea and it's going to be fun for both of them to learn to read Natasha.
Here's hoping for more "day in the life of Clint" fics!

Keep it up!
Sabi2 chapter 1 . 5/14/2015
RandominatorOwl chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
Widow306 chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
loved it..can't wait for more of your stories..
ErinKenobi2893 chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
D'aawwww! I love Clint so much. It's just that he's so darn hard to write sometimes...
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