Reviews for A Petal in Murky Waters
Onyxv87 chapter 15 . 7/9
I love the flow of this story. i can't wait for the next chapter! Please update soon!
Anika-san chapter 15 . 6/29
Ojala pudieras continuar este fic, tiene una trMa entretenida
TekoloKuautli chapter 15 . 6/23
I hate how much Kagome has to suffer simply because she's a hanyou. Really lady? Not even some respect because she saved your son that might I add? You yourself put his life in such a high risk?
I hope at least Kagome is strong enough to escape the guards or overpower them somehow. If Sesshomaru is so interested in making sure she is safe he can damn well search for her himself. She has gone above and beyond the rest of the scum around her.
I hope Kouga can survive the onslaught and reform his ways. Kagome made it somehow in canon but there was also Naraku and Kagura slaughtering his compatriots. Maybe they can still be friendly or something, she already forgave him and all. And I believe Kouga wouldn't have treated Kagome differently in Sesshomaru's shoes (the whole human curse and find out his new friend and savior is a hanyou).
TekoloKuautli chapter 13 . 6/22
I legit cried here, as well as the last chapter. I know Sesshomaru knows even if he stayed he would have only been killed too. But still, I hate how heartless the action was. Inuyasha would have rather gone down fighting.
Piecesofmimi chapter 15 . 3/19
Greatly written story can’t wait to see where it heads! I love the way you’ve written sess and Kagz! They’re absolutely adorable! I’ve actually been binge reading all your work! Keep up the good work.
Sesshomaru2004 chapter 15 . 12/8/2019
This is going good
selene72107 chapter 15 . 11/23/2019
I can't wait to see what happens! What a great story! Good job!
sdarling1992 chapter 15 . 11/10/2019
Omg please! Next chapterrr! Story is so good so far! Can’t wait for more
KyraTekak chapter 15 . 9/22/2019
Hope for an update soon. Great story.
xXKillorbeKilledXx chapter 15 . 9/9/2019
Great story, keep up the great work!
Sarahburch chapter 15 . 9/8/2019
Plz ipdate
BlackHeart-FallenAngel chapter 15 . 7/6/2019
Damn, where did Kagome go?
LoveInuyashaStories chapter 15 . 6/29/2019
very good story, interesting an exciting ! please update soon!
PaintedPanda04 chapter 15 . 6/22/2019
Just started reading today and I'm SO hooked! Please keep writing, it's so good so far!
angelfire123 chapter 15 . 6/21/2019
Nice chapter! Looking forward to the next arc
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