Reviews for Silent Flower of Song: Book One: Setting the Chessboard
Paganisten12 chapter 18 . 10/17
This is such a pleasant read!
Guest chapter 37 . 9/10
Guest chapter 2 . 8/12
I really like your fanfic, and I'm sorry about the troubles people have been giving you. I hope you have a good day!:)
alexiana75 chapter 16 . 2/28
I discovered this little jewel this morning. I read it mostly on my phone where I don't have the fan fiction password and then, for the last 3 chapters, my fluffy warm ball of a cat was in my lap. So, I could only move the mouse. So, this is a review for all the chapters untill now :) Wonderfull plot idea, very well written and an amazing Glorfindel! Legolas and Thranduil too
Dee chapter 30 . 11/15/2019
Re: Chapter 30
Tar Aldarion was not an elf king but a Numenorean king. Gil Galad was the last high king of the Noldor.
Dee chapter 7 . 9/13/2019
Elrond was not born in Valinor. He was born in Middle earth just before the end of the First Age. Galadriel was born in Valinor during the years of the Trees. Chances are that they may have that ability if by then they were ring bearers of Vilya and Nenya respectively. Or maybe Galadriel may have been born in with it.
Child of Dreams chapter 18 . 12/12/2018
Where are Arwen and Estel?
Child of Dreams chapter 12 . 12/12/2018
Glorfindel is her brother, isn't he?
Child of Dreams chapter 8 . 12/12/2018
Oh my God...
Shetan20 chapter 1 . 11/1/2018
Thank you for a brilliant chapter.
Shetan20 chapter 37 . 8/21/2018
Thank you for a brilliant story about Glofindel and Eruanna.
Guest chapter 35 . 8/21/2018
You should have written the whole story in a more formal tone as I doubt the elves and especially the Valar spoke so casually. Your style of writing is too new age American and hence not very relatable or pleasant to read. Tolkien certainly would not have liked it. There is no element of classical literature in this story. It's too plebeian, the writing style too simple and casual. Your making age old beings sound like typical American high school students. It's unpalatable! Please next time gear your writing more towards international English standards, as not all of us are American or even like American culture for that matter!
P.S I'm assuming your following the American style as I have noticed a lot of American authors use this distinct pattern of language in their writing. So even if your not from the US the story has a very Americanized feel to it.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/21/2018
She's an elfling! Realistically she should have faded a long time ago. How can anyone withstand torture for over a century, especially a child? How long was Maedhros tortured before breaking? He committed suicide in the end. So how is a child acting so normally? Do you understand mental health at all?
Mark chapter 7 . 6/28/2018
Elrond never came from Valinor but a good reason for being able to use his fea would be his descent from Luthien.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/9/2018
It took a century for the valar to respond? Why couldn't Irmo send dreams to the elves to let them kniw about her?
Btw Tulkas couldn't have gone to middle earth to save her. The valar cannot step in middle earth without permission. Last time they came was to drag Morgoth back. If they could come, I'd imagine they would have taken Sauron with them.
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