Reviews for Wrong Baby
anya1234567890 chapter 18 . 4/5
I like the air stewardess bit a lot :) but I kinda think Penny should be apologising, not Leonard.
Harakan chapter 52 . 10/3/2019
Great story this and The Tropical Paradise Theory was my favorite by you and of course Don't Mess with Leonard you should really continue writing if you had a time of course.
Harakan chapter 45 . 10/2/2019
This chapter was your best writing ever by my opinion and Don't mess with Leonard best one shot story on TBBT therm. Glad that at least you and Marcel describe "bad ass Penny" little sorry that only you two described Penny as that kind of person who will do everything to protect her man and vice versa of course.
Harakan chapter 35 . 10/2/2019
Sheldon to take care of his mail WTF? Doesn't he remember that his "friend" attempt to take away baby and blame him for his death Leonard sometimes really don't think like a genius.
Harakan chapter 32 . 10/1/2019
Just saying Sheldon was lucky Leonard wasn't from Balkan because he would be pick up all his teeth across the hospital floor. What enough is enough...
Guest chapter 52 . 3/18/2018
My initial thought when I started reading this story was "oh god, please let this be a joke." I have to admit I disliked the beginning a lot. You almost portrayed Penny as a rapist. The fact that she the went on to get pregnant honestly disturbed me. Beside that it was rather well written and although I've found myself cringing at each chapter and being extremely critical of it, I have still returned to read each chapter you have posted.
k chapter 18 . 2/11/2018
what the actual fuck you actually had leonard apologise, this some bullshit. bullshit.
Writer of Wonder chapter 52 . 10/5/2017
I would’ve thought that Sheldon would remember what happened well because of his eidetic memory, but it’s interesting that Amy remembers. It’s probably a good thing too so she can have that girl talk with Bernadette. I think it would be the right thing to do to tell Penny and Sheldon what really had happened. The fact that the baby Penny lost Leonard’s baby made it more sad. It puts a different meaning to the title which I like.

I love this story so much. :)
shalindab1 chapter 52 . 8/28/2017
Great story, i loved how you tied eveything together and even though Sheldon is the one with the eidetic memory Amy's the one who remember all the details of that night.
Frangerfiction chapter 52 . 8/11/2017
While I totally disagree with Bernadette's reasoning in not telling the truth (if I was in that situation I'd be devastated to find out, perhaps after years of sublimated guilt , that my friend knew i didn't cheat and didn't tell me because of worry about what MIGHT happen if i found out. I didn't cheat fact. I might get upset conjecture) i have loved this story from the first word. Great and massive effort and you should be proud.
Zephon75 chapter 52 . 8/11/2017
Wow that was some ending, glad to finally find out that Penny didn't have sex Sheldon, but sad that it was Leonard's baby she lost. Bernadette is right to tell Amy to keep it a secret, because Penny would be devastated at knowing that it was Leonard's baby she lost. Best to let Leonard and Penny enjoy the happy married life without such heart breaking news. An excellent story from beginning to end, and I look forward to seeing more stories from you as well as the continuation of your other story The Christmas Waif.
ajond chapter 52 . 8/10/2017
I always felt that 'wrong baby' meant there was more to the story than we knew. I like the way you dealt with it. I am conflicted on whether P should know or not. On balance I think she should know. This was a great story. Kudos.
Chuk49 chapter 52 . 8/10/2017
Thank you for letting us know what happened that night. I think I agree with Bernadette that it is best to let the past be the past, but now the rest of us know Penny didn't cheat. A part of me wonders though if it might have been better to let the chips fall where they may. A lot of relationships were affected by a lie and maybe there is value in everyone knowing the truth.
A great ending to a great story.
123justafan chapter 52 . 8/10/2017
Looking back at chapter one title "Lives Changed", really comes home with the story of what really happened and the quandary Amy finds herself in. The group may try to go forward, but it is hard to imagine Sheldon and Leonard ever repairing their friendship. Amy will carry a burden for the rest of her life. Closure would really only come with truth. Good story though and it is good to see Penny ans Leonard happy at last. Penny should have a wonderful future career. The worst affected here will be Sheldon. He might be able to work through if he knew, but now he will always blame Penny.
Guest chapter 52 . 8/10/2017
Hi i'm a huge fan of your stories, actually read them more than once, thanks for your time and talent, hope more stories to come .Excuse any errors English is not my natural language
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