Reviews for A Change in the Wind
Jennifer Weed chapter 24 . 1/13
I LOVED this story! Great job! I really loved the dialogue between Killian and Emma. You perfectly captured their characters.
Lovesall808 chapter 24 . 7/31/2019
Oh that was so damn beautiful I love it! Thank you for your wonderful writing!
Avivagreene chapter 24 . 1/1/2017
Absolutely loved this story and how CaptainSwan developed. Wonderful!
Avivagreene chapter 7 . 1/1/2017
I am loving this story and the interaction between Killian and Emma. Brilliant!
Cootles chapter 24 . 10/13/2016
Great story. I honestly don't know how I missed it when I was going through a reading binge of your stories, but so happy I found it.
cynaroz1 chapter 24 . 9/13/2016
Great story. Thank you
Katie chapter 24 . 7/10/2016
I've loved this story, I'm not normally a fan of canon divergence fics (if that's what you'd call this?) just because I love the show so much I prefer something really different from my fan fic, but you've captured Emma and Killian so perfectly that this really works for me! Plus I'd Love to see Killian with two hands for good in the show (one episode just wasn't enough) so this was some lovely wish fulfillment. And the creeping reveal of Emma's magic was so special.. basically, great job! :)
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 19 . 5/3/2016
Oh wow. A simple chapter with not much happening, but still a lot at the same time...if that makes any sense. You write so well that I start reading a chapter and before I know it I've finished the chapter because it was so good I got enthralled in it and wasn't aware how fast I was reading. Well done.

Oh my god. That scene with Killian breaking in to Emma's room because he was afraid that Regina might come after her next and he had to make sure she was still alive...oh wow. Just...I have no words other than my, oh, my. So emotional and so great.
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 18 . 5/3/2016
The chapter started off emotional and sweet and ended on a high...literally. I honestly don't know what else to say about this chapter other than it was great.
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 17 . 5/3/2016
Emma at the beginning of the chapter was trying to convince herself that it isn't the right time yet and Emma at the end of the chapter finally gave in a bit and realized it's time to stop kidding herself. Loved it!

Killian still battling between wanting revenge and yet wanting a hopeful chance at happiness with Emma. It truly can't be an easy battle he's waging with himself. You portray it so well.

Whew! That was hot. Yay Emma for giving in just a little bit finally!
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 16 . 5/3/2016
Uh-oh. Graham's not feeling well...does that mean what I think it means?

Jealous!Hook is great! Wow. That kiss was hot. It was well worth the 16 chapter wait!

I liked how you showed the differences between Emma's kiss with Graham compared to the ones with Hook. With Graham, as sweet of a man as he is, Emma had to pretend to feel something from kissing him. But then with Hook...she just doesn't know how not to feel something.
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 15 . 5/1/2016
I enjoyed the almost full chapter of what's going on in Hook's mind. It's a nice change from Emma's POV.

Speaking of Emma, I'm glad that she's beginning to admit that things aren't what they were days ago...that Hook isn't like he was days ago. Hook is more and more with each passing minute becoming Killian again and that scares her. A few chapters back she wouldn't have even admitted that so I am happy that she is now.

As always, nice work!
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 14 . 5/1/2016
Yay! Hook finally got to try out the shower before they left for Storybrooke. The beginning scene with the shower was fun to read and then it got serious around the brace part. Poor Killian. Just hang in there, you'll get your hand back before you know it...hopefully. It was nice that Emma offered to help him with it, though. It's another moment that shows how far things have come over the course of the past few days or so.

Hook's concern for Emma's wellbeing, her resistance when it comes to him as anything more than an acquaintance of sorts, and the pang of want for a family of his bittersweet.

"It's okay. He'll be back." and "You are not ready to hear it." - Henry knows something. I think I know why he said those things but at the same time I'm not sure if I'm right about them or not. I guess I'll have to read on and find out.

Ooo...Hook is going to be so jealous when he finds out about Emma flirting with Graham. I can't wait to read about jealous Hook!
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 13 . 5/1/2016
Only a few nights and already Emma is used to sleeping next to Hook that she can't seem to really sleep without him next to her. Another reason I know that they belong together. Things like that don't happen with random people so quickly like it's happening for her with Hook. At least, not in my personal experience.

The fact that Emma cared enough to wake Hook up from his nightmare should have been another reason to add to her list of reasons to stop fighting herself on how she's feeling about him. I'm looking forward to when she finally opens up a bit and gives herself to her feelings some.

I don't think I have enjoyed a story before as much as I am enjoying this one. Nice work from the beginning to here so far!
crazy-wild-and-free chapter 12 . 5/1/2016
The kiss sticking with Emma means something. Too bad she will continue to deny it as long as she can. I like that the kiss was a kiss that both Emma and Hook had not ever had before. To me, it cements the fact that they're meant to be.

I really like how you introduced Henry to the story. Operation Cobra is under way and Hook is a part of it!

Speaking of Hook, I always enjoy reading about him being introduced to modern day things such as phones, pizza, etc. I love his obsession with wanting to try out the shower. Hopefully he gets the chance to enjoy it before they make their way to Storybrooke.
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