Reviews for Forged in Fire
Sesquipedalia chapter 5 . 12/23/2017
And thus the legendary Feather Boa of Evil was born.

I really like your insights into Bronev. He was a character I was really struggling with, mostly because AL leaves all these weird gaps in his story. Kinda wish they'd established his thought process better, you know?
Sesquipedalia chapter 4 . 12/23/2017
Oh, holy CRAP he just murdered a man?

Been struggling with figuring out where the split between Desmond and Descole was in my own writing, prolly gonna wind up taking pointers from this. The emotion comes through so well in the scene.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/7/2015
Man, this is great. The anguish Desmond/Descole feels when he learns his father isn't actually a prisoner of Targent, and Bronev's characterisation - spot on. The way Bronev is excited to see his son again but at the same time simply can't see how far gone he is into Targent's screwed up ways, and can't see why Desmond is horrified, is perfect.
shOOT chapter 5 . 3/12/2015
Oh, I thought that they'd go for Layton, but I didn't ACTUALLY EXPECT TO HAVE PREDICTED THAT RIGHT! So, according to my (incredibly horrible) memory, they just leave him alone, right? I'm guessing Bronev thinks that they've got the wrong person, and believes it's just a case of mistaken identity? I hope that's all it is, at least. Desmond should have been a bit more careful with his names...

Also, laughing at the thought of the feather scarf. A delirious thought in the desert, becoming a part of his costume design? That is so him.
Shock chapter 3 . 3/7/2015
Oh my god. My heart has literally died, I cannot deal with this. Bronev sounds so innocent and confused, but it's all wrong... I can't take this. I really can't. I love this too much. The writing style conveys the emotions really well. I am also screaming because. That means they'll probably find Layton in their search for Sycamore. Assuming I'm correctly estimating the passage of time, Layton is probably around 17 here. 17 was when Randall fell, and also when Targent visited Stansbury to see the Norwell wall. They didn't do anything when it turned out he wasn't home, though. Huh. I wonder why. I'm getting off track, here, I'm sorry. I wonder if Sycamore ends up visiting Hershel at any point. If so, then I'm not sure if he remembers. Anyway, I really can't wait for whatever the heck happens to Sycamore's family because in Azran Legacy, he remarks that Targent had... oh dear. This will be the fault of his father. Seriously, I love this.
Eggs in a Beaker chapter 3 . 2/26/2015
Great story! In my opinion, there aren''t enough fanfics about Professor Sycamore, so it's great to read this. Can't wait for your next update. Also is that a Doctor Who quote I spy in the sumary ;)