Reviews for Plugged In
theunraveledghoul chapter 16 . 1/6
Oh, how much I enjoyed reading this. It was cute and beautiful. You really created a wonderful world. Thank you thank you thank you for this brilliant piece of Spirk
Guest chapter 15 . 5/8/2019
Thank you for pointing out the flaws in my reviews. I'll be sure to point out what I liked about the chapter in the future and with any other stories of yours I might read; I apologise for coming across as harsh. I wouldn't have the guts to post any stories myself (and believe me, I've tried) so to hear you have low self esteem is surprising to me, considering you post two to four stories frequently; I applaud you.

He was sure that Earth reminded his mother of her own home before it had died in a supernova from a nearby star. - That's so sad! :,( She'll never get to see the place again. I wonder if there were survivors.

I like that Spok keeps looking for Kirk.

I was surprised that Kirk didn't want to other humans to know his relationship with Spok.

Though I have to wonder if Kirk will tell Spok that the way Spok had acted during the battle royal had turned him on, and if Spok would be willing to act like that during some uuuuh 'bond strengthening' sessions. :P

In previous chapters I really enjoyed the interaction between Spok and Kirk and while I don't watch enough Star Trek to know the main characters backgrounds (only watched a couple of episodes of TOS), I think it makes sense for even Spok's ex-wife-to-be to barely tolerate him. I liked that after he fell in love with Spok and tried to get it up for a girl, he couldn't. I found that I was really eager to read the next bit of the chapter I was on (even though I made that less than obvious to you. _''''), which before I could only say about a few published books I've read.
Guest chapter 14 . 5/8/2019
I think that means something, don't you." - What's wrong with this sentence? (?)
Guest chapter 13 . 5/8/2019
though I do not believe Sarek it now." - What? XD

What other things lay just beyond their solar system, just beyond their reach waiting to be discovered. / what do you want to ask." - Why is there no question mark?

"Theory and practice are two completely different things?" - The fuck is there a question mark HERE for?

sorts of things now a days. - Nowadays is one word. Google will tell you the same thing.
Guest chapter 12 . 5/8/2019
"I need you to come to Earth... - THAT LITTLE SHIT! :O

dear friend of mine over a videogame. - through* a
Guest chapter 11 . 5/7/2019
"I found I want to know James more - HE'S TALKING TO JAMES!
Guest chapter 9 . 5/7/2019
Since the review/comment got sent without me doing anything and since this site doesn't let you review the same chapter twice, I'll be continuing my interrupted comment on chapter 8 here:

a small smile spreading on his lips. - Face would be FAR more appropriate here.

Spock awoke to an alarm going off on his computer. - Wasn't he in the game world? Don't create inconsistencies just to make unnecessary additions to the story. Also, Jim wouldn't be able to hack into his computer so fuckin' easily and without leaving a trace so easily; duuuuuh. It'd take a long time for him to figure out how the code works and then hack into his comp; at the very least a year, maybe more. And even then, there is no 'leaving a trace/leaving no trace/erasing evidence'. And a third thing, Spok wouldn't wonder about the hack so much because Jim had expressed blatantly obvious jealousy towards Spok's wife-to-be, and that would inevitably factor into his pondorings.

When Jim asked why it would only take seven hours when normally such a thing would take a few days, the woman had said that she would put all her other projects on hold and focus solely on his. - Bull fucking shit. Be real.

and he wasn't exactly a computer scientist. - Just decide already.

and he lifted some of his shields. He was surprised to find hurt, anger, betrayal, and sadness awaiting him. It hit him so hard, he fell to his knees. Did Jim's betrayal really hurt him this much? - Don't you mean 'lowered his shields'?

his as well as another's. - It's obviously Jim. Don't know why you said 'another's' instead.

Chapter 9:
One was a mental/health problem. - Why is there a slash where a space should be?

It took even longer to push down a forming headache. - Not possible. You either have a headache or you don't. There is no suppressing it.

the round ears, and - Wait, what? ROUND ears? The video must've been edited.

A smile snuck its way onto his lips. - I'm wagging my finger at you.

She waited for Spock to take his seat. But he already did. O_o
Guest chapter 8 . 5/7/2019
and could care less about him? - *couldn't

"Yeah well I'd like to have liked to have known you - Ummmmmmmmm...

Jim was taken back by the suggestion. - *aback

"I don't even know if he's on planet. - Umm...

I'm sure you'll figure out some way to find to get what you want. - Huh?

he had previously never acknowledged to just himself. - Huh?

a small smile spreading on his lips. - Face wou
Guest chapter 7 . 5/7/2019
another large swing from his whiskey bottle - *swig O_O

on his exams even with minimum review. - Huh?

Jim's nose wrinkled as he exampled - X,D X,D X,D
Guest chapter 6 . 5/7/2019
Jim looked up from under his eyes lashes, - If I had a facepalm emoji and emojis worked on FF, I'd use it.

as the syllable left Spock's lips. - *mouth; sound passes through the mouth.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/7/2019
A smile pulled at his lips. - You use this ter too much. What's so awful about just saying 'he smiled'?

You're such a spoiled sport." - That's not the saying.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/6/2019
Spock on the other hand was livid his mother had made violated Tiberius's privacy. - What? What did his mum make?

"Uh?" *huh
Guest chapter 2 . 5/6/2019
None of his friends were not online it seemed. - Just say they are online; much easier than the roundabout way you put it.

A pleasant smile crossed her lips. *face
Depressed Mizuki chapter 15 . 9/17/2018
Honestly, I'm glad that you decided not to go the dark route. I just don't think it's particularly plausible for Jim to agree to throw the one person he's comfortable having romantic feelings for under the bus, especially since many of the things that were shown to him by Marcus were things that he had already suspected at least in part. (I was actually surprised that the lack of address and personal info when he hacked into the system, as well as Spock saying that meeting was impossible later on didn't immediately have Jim wondering if Bones was right.) Also, as far as I'm aware, he'd never actually spoken to Marcus before that day one on one, so why on Earth would I-Don't-Trust-Anyone-Readily Jim trust some random admiral who unceremoniously dumped a bunch of intel on him in an attempt to freak him out and make him feel betrayed? I mean, sure, with the way you've written Jim, I could see him freaking out about it alone (which he did), but he'd definitely come down from that after giving it a little bit of thought (which he also did), and unfortunately for the dark route, in order for the betrayal to happen, more than enough time for him to actually use his brain and think a little would have to elapse. Him betraying Spock here just doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, I started this story way back when you posted the first three chapters, but I didn't finish it until today, because it somehow got lost amongst my thousands of tabs that I keep around forever. I'm really glad that I got to come back and finish reading it. It was an excellent journey.
Hime-chan Natsumi chapter 15 . 12/9/2016
Wow, tu historia es hermosa. Me ha fascinado en cada situacion y cambio de escenario. Has llevado muy bien el escenario de la realidad virtual. Muy interesante, dabas a entender que no era real pero sin los pesados controladores del videojuego. Fue triste ver a Amanda torturada. Y me ha gustado como molestaban a James por su novio, es hermoso un buen sentido del humor. Me alegro que la historia no fue gris ni termino mal. Me gusta el romance, gracias. Gracias por publicar tan hermoso trabajo, espero escribas mas Spirk en el futuro. Fue agradable saber tanto de la cultura Vulcan. Y de las palabras, y gestos. Fue Interesante. Gracias.
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