Reviews for For the Excluded
Sam chapter 21 . 6/23
Please make more!
ThatGirlJaneFox chapter 21 . 3/29
Just wow! I haven’t been able to stop reading this and stayed up until 0400! I love your writing style and your descriptions are beautiful. I hope there’s an update soon!

Kindest, Fox.
Ember Reverie chapter 21 . 1/12
Nice updates. I'm glad they got BB out of there safely.
Hellowalls chapter 4 . 10/26/2019
Love the story.
genbo chapter 19 . 5/26/2019
Well Done & Great Work!
I hope you continue this amazing story.
Go Dick/Raven!
rojy chapter 13 . 10/12/2018
I love how you described depression
rojy chapter 6 . 10/11/2018
I like this fic very much. You're such a good writer and I like description and how things are smooth and not forced
sabbath9997 chapter 19 . 9/22/2018
I loved it ! Nice Job!

Tranks for everything ;) I will waiting the next chapter.
sophia.bellissimo12 chapter 19 . 9/22/2018
love it!
Ember Reverie chapter 19 . 9/21/2018
I'm amused at Dick being a Superman fanboy. Also, kinda disappointed. But that's my own annoyance with Superman talking. lol

Good chapter.
fairyofdreames chapter 18 . 4/28/2018
Awe that moment where Robin told Bruce about their relationship was sweet :3

I hope Beast Boy is ok is so cool seeing how the League is interacting at the same all of this is happening can wait to read the next chapter :3
fairyofdreames chapter 16 . 4/28/2018
I loved this chapter it's getting steamy with these two they are so in love :3

I wonder if Raven even will consider that foursome at this point thigs are so tense with Batman and what happening makes you wonder if that how they just deal with stress. I feel bad for Jinx in all of this I don't think her boyfrien gives her respects she deserves.
fairyofdreames chapter 15 . 4/28/2018
Batman better make good on his word on protecting the titans. This is getting worse Joker and scarecrow Jesus
fairyofdreames chapter 14 . 4/28/2018
This whole chapter was awesome finally Raven and Robin can have the happiness they deserve :)
fairyofdreames chapter 13 . 4/28/2018
I loved the story of these two with their emotions and past it was really good.
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