Reviews for Henair e-Gûr
Levade chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
One of the best things Fiondil did, in my opinion, was to change so many readers minds about the Valar and their roles. He brought them close and made them personal and I adore his portrayal of Namo. He got it right - it's not about judgment, it's about love. It's about doing the right thing. I've read this story before and never commented and probably because I'm not the brightest person and can't always articulate what I like. It's a peculiar attitude to not be overly sad when someone dies, but when you firmly believe that where they are going is far better, with no hurt or sorrow, it's hard to be too sad. I still miss them horribly, but they're beyond all of that. Guarding your heart and thoughts is so vital these days.

Sorry for the ramble. I enjoyed the story a great deal and loved seeing Glorfindel and Erestor's conversation.
AndurilofTolkien chapter 1 . 3/7/2017
nice job
Noleme chapter 1 . 12/4/2015
Amazing fic. Very tolkienesque in tone and topic. I should check out the fics you mentioned, as I liked your portrayal of the Maiar and the return to innocence/forgiveness that the spirits and Amanyar go through. And Glorfindel (whose characterization I liked very much, as it melts so seamlessly with what JRRT writes about him) is not the only one to wish to witness the release of a Feanorean from the Halls. I have yet to read a fic on that subject which I find totally convincing.
Sophia the Scribe chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
Dear Gwedhiel,

Very lovely story. I appreciate this take on Glorfindel and Erestor's friendship, which often seems to serve as just a backdrop for the twins pranking or some other humorous story-line which, while fun to read, is not truly in canon (as I see it). Thank you for giving them a setting to discuss serious matters!

Speaking of those serious matters, your portrayal of Mandos' halls was quite insightful; I agree with the opinion that they are, indeed, indescribable, for no matter how many stories I read on the subject, none of them seem to get everything as I would imagine it. Though I would agree with you that the late but talented Fiondil got the Valar correct, at least in his stories that I have read (not all, but certainly some). May he rest in peace!

Finally, if you have the time, I would love to have your opinion of my story "The Doom of the Noldor," particularly your take on how canonical my characterizations are, since (as far as I can tell) there are as many ideas as readers for much of the Legendarium! Thank you for writing.

Sophia the Scribe
Elwaith chapter 1 . 2/22/2015
I wish we could know what happens to Orcs. After all they used to Elves, and if Morgoth could corrupt them then surely the Valar could reverse it. But there is no mention of this.
Lia Whyteleafe chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
Wow, Gwed. This was wonderful.

Your portrayal of the friendship between Glorfindel and Erestor is brilliant. You just know they're friends without having to be told.

Glorfindel's reaction to the deaths of those two Elves did make sense, in a way. It was also quite sad.

I never thought that time spent in Mandos could be discussed with merriment. That took me by surprise.

Olwe embracing and forgiving a Kinslayer is wonderful. I believe that the Kinslayers can be forgiven...all of them.

Maedhros' reception after being Reborn would be a thing to see.

Mandos may be scary (to put it very mildly) but your story says his Halls are nothing to be afraid of. They're a place of healing, and this touches upon that beautifully.

I didn't know Fiondil either, but I think he would have been honoured to have a beautiful tribute like this.
byakuya love chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
I don't know what to comment.. I'm speechless, really...


A serious, but also full of humor fanfic. Touchy enough to make me smiles warmly... :) These two best friends! *laughing*

28 Jan 2015? I'm sorry.. I never knew him, but I do feel sad about his death... This is your tribute for him? How nice of you :) I'm sure he would be feel honored if he read your story.

Keep writing!