Reviews for Catch-22
pinkshoes81 chapter 10 . 5/28
Loved it, thanks for sharing x
exclusiverob chapter 1 . 6/4/2019
What a great story. Better later than never that I just found it. Can't wait to see what Edward does to James.
SanguineTaurean chapter 10 . 6/3/2019, love the ending! Thank you!
SanguineTaurean chapter 9 . 6/3/2019
Awww! :)
SanguineTaurean chapter 8 . 6/3/2019
I about had a conniption when creepy J grabbed her! I still don’t trust him.
SanguineTaurean chapter 7 . 6/3/2019
Oh, crap! Crazy J is out of prison and already found her! I keep wondering if Lauren is watching over Bella for Edward, then I think I have read too many mysteries. Lol
SanguineTaurean chapter 6 . 6/3/2019
Oh, dang...they just made me tear up. :(
SanguineTaurean chapter 2 . 6/3/2019
Nasty James didn’t waste any time going after Edward. What a dumbass! Poor Bella is scared to death, as she should be. Stubborn girl should have stayed at the Ritz.
SanguineTaurean chapter 1 . 6/3/2019
I love this! I am so happy it was extended, and sad it has taken me so long to read it.
TwoWayMirror chapter 7 . 2/4/2019
At first, I just really liked the premise for this story but now I’m loving the setting. I went to OU and I love seeing it intermixed with some of my favorite characters. It’s so fun reading this story and actually being able to imagine what it’d be like. I lived in McCasland my freshman year but I had some friends in Walker and spent plenty of time there over the years so I can actually picture the room where movie night would take place and the garden on the North Oval even though I preferred to spend my time on the South Oval. Thank you so much for bringing a smile to my face by including all this! Most often it’s the University of Chicago or Seattle and I so love seeing Oklahoma included.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/21/2018
I Really need a sequel JS
blb1000 chapter 10 . 10/28/2017
Nice. Loved it! Love olderward. Thank you.
blb1000 chapter 9 . 10/28/2017
blb1000 chapter 8 . 10/28/2017
blb1000 chapter 7 . 10/28/2017
She needs a tazer. Forget the pepper spray!
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