Reviews for The Mistaken Text
gazal.blirf chapter 5 . 4/26/2017
More like he got woohed omg wow that was bad I'm so sorry
FabulousPinkPony chapter 5 . 1/10/2017
That ass u
Redmanelion chapter 5 . 2/14/2016
Love this story! I've read the original story, and I'm kinda disappointed that Lovino didn't share his darkest secrets... Other than that, I love it!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/22/2016
I like this new version but I liked the idea that Lovino almost committed suicicde.. My mind is dark
Binxx chapter 5 . 8/6/2015
You should be banned for melting people -/A/-
I have to complain about the descriptions of kisses. Definitely too short. And as you know, if it was a peck or a french kiss is the most important thing in this world! XD

I'm just admiring your dialogues. They're so good, a looot better than in the first version and why can't I write such good ones?

I love how you described situations like when Tonio landed on top of Lovi. He was still his a bit flirtarious, not so romantic, clumsy self. And you didn't let them kiss then. You've really improved yor writing since the first version, I'm so proud of you X3

I wonder if you'd add the thing with suicide from the first version here. Maybe cliché but would make it more interesting.

*waiting for the next part~~
Binxx chapter 4 . 8/6/2015
Ough... I kinda miss the thing with Lovi cluelessly confessing to Antonio through texts. It was really funny X3 But this version has better written characters so I can't complain~~

Oh God, as much as I hate the 'dat spanish ass' thing you got me so hard at Lukas XD He was so out of character yet made me laugh and facepalm so much XD You know you love it XD Though I wonder how are he and Lovi friends.
Binxx chapter 3 . 8/6/2015
I liked the concept with Feliciano being grumpy at mornings, (though I don't know if it's accurate to the canon) but who would let a barely-known guy qithbad reputation to their house?

I don't want to be picky but eight am is kind of early XD

It is fascinating how Antonio is deaf to Lovino's 'fruk off's and other kind words.

Your Antonio here is waay much better than in the first version, he doesn't seem so plastic, says funny things and doesn't whine/coe at everything. Lovino's also better. He stopped reminding me of a little sweet uke.

""You ask a lot of questions Lovi" They were at the front of the line, and got in the cart, pulling the harness down. The ride started and they slowly went up the hill. They neared the top.
"Maybe I'm flirting with you for a reason". Antonio said right before they went down."

- I know this line is maybe cliché, but I absolutely loved it. Just the moment they hang in the air, Antonio says this line and the rollercoaster speeds down, leaving Lovi in shock. Priceless. Though I feel like something's missing and you didn't give this beautiful line enough attention.

"It doesn't matter if you're gay or not. No matter what, being an asshole is bad" - said a guy who often acts like an asshole, called some lady bitch and says 'fruk' al the time.

Have a good night~~
Binxx chapter 2 . 8/6/2015
Just a question. Why is Antonio the flirty one, not Francis?
Binxx chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
Yaay, I'm so excited for this, I used to love your story before it's been rewritten but now it starts to have more sense. If some creepy trio sexually harassed every person they want in school somebody would finally react and they'd probably be kicked out of school or just banished.
tsukihua16 chapter 5 . 6/8/2015
Nicee. Can't wait for the next chap
TruePrussian chapter 5 . 5/31/2015
Lovino gets his first frickin guy kiss with Antonio, when in the other, he had it with Gil and Francis before that... and there was a lot of bathroom smut. but still good rewrites!
Guest chapter 2 . 2/17/2015
I. need. to. know. what. happen. next
I love it! Udpate it soon pls!
PD: Sorry for the bad english i speak spanish ;-;
Blackwind137 chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Yay! Rewrite! I can't wait to see how the details change- hope you update soon! :3