Reviews for Seven Crimes and Punishments-Living Together
LittleMissTwili chapter 15 . 2/9
(no joke. Rin and Len {the Vocaloids that Rillane and Allen are based off of} are canonically 14, so this sorta applies to Evillious)
sitCu chapter 1 . 9/3/2018
Veri n1c365fst0rioM
topaz3 chapter 16 . 2/12/2017
I've been wondering. When will everyone be ready to share their story with everyone?
kimasou chapter 16 . 12/10/2016
You have no idea of how enormous the urge of mentally slaughtering you in me is. But for now, I can just say: OH MY LEVIA, A SECOND BOOK! I WANNA READ IT! I WANNA, I WANNA! SETH IS EVIL AND WILL MESS WITH THE SINNERS' LIFE! POOR ALLEN WILL BE FORCED TO ENDURE FURTHER MADNESS BECAUSE THIS IS NOT OVER YET!

Allen: It's not?! DAMNIT!

FANactic Writer chapter 16 . 11/28/2016
Well shit Seth is back.
kimasou chapter 15 . 11/5/2016
That was a good chapter. It almost made want to watch some horror movies. Almost. (I'm going to resort in my disturbing/yandere Vocaloid songs, thank you. *currently listening to "True Love Restraint") I already watched "Child's Play", it pretty much scarred me for life. I can't help it but stare at a doll as if it would come to life sooner or later and murder me. (Allen, can I sleep with you? Please~? *puppy eyes*)
FANactic Writer chapter 15 . 10/25/2016
*Shiver* I hate scary movies. Great chapter and aww Allen so adorable!~...Somehow I get the feeling he going to be tease about this. *Sigh* Oh well like Nemesis said that the way the cookie crumble. Love the fic and hope to see more!~
FANactic Writer chapter 14 . 10/12/2016
Well that was one crazy Hallow Evening for the sinners and sadly for them they'll be having it happens every year now. Love the chapter and keep up the good work!~
kimasou chapter 13 . 9/25/2016
Rahab, wtf was with that 'you laugh, you lose' thing? Where did you get this idea, you genius? I can't help it but let out a HUGE laugh at Mammon, Lucifer and Asmodeus being spanked! *laughs, a random voice (TomboyJessie13) screams: "SPARKY, OUT!" and sees Rahab taking out the wooden sword* Oh shit, don't spank me! I'M SOOOOOORRRRRYYYYYY~!

And Margarita there. Poor girl was shocked. (I wanna go to the marriage!) Plus, Allen lost his cool. This made my day. *rewind the video to see Allen freaking out again* THIS IS FREAKING GOLD! I need to post this in my YouTube channel.

All in all, this was a great chapter. Now, all I need to do is to sit down and wait the next chapter. (And freaking end my school essays! Shit, I didn't even started them yet! Oh, and finish an EC story in my files. Why am I so lazy~?!)
FANactic Writer chapter 13 . 9/8/2016
Excellent chapter and awesome reveal on the engagement!
Anon chapter 13 . 9/8/2016
Hi! I think this story has some charm, though I'd like to point out a few things. I KNOW you've said not to take this seriously, but this is a review right? I'm not going to be talking about the story itself, but the writing, so...

1) If you haven't already got one, have you considered asking someone to become your beta? I don't mean to sound rude, but there are a lot of grammatical errors. I understand if English isn't your native language or English in general isn't your strong suit, but a beta would help greatly. I say this because at some points I was confused as to who was saying what and many sentences are WAY too long. I'm on tumblr, so if you're interested or feel like you need one then make a post. If I see it I'll step forward and help you sort out all of the grammatical errors in all of the chapters.

2) As well as grammatical errors, there seems to be a problem with how you tend to describe things. If you want to expand on your writing skills and such, I'm going to give some advice. First of all, describing EVERYTHING in detail isn't needed. It feels like a list and adds very little. If anything, you should only describe items/clothing if it's important or adds to the atmosphere. In this case it doesn't. If anything, you seem to be adding detail in a lot of wrong places. This can also be fixed with a beta. Also, in the newest chapter ("12"), there isn't any need to say "it was a quarter to 3:30 pm". Just say "at quarter past three" or, if you're lazy, 3:15pm. Saying it that other way is unnecessary. That and the entire first sentence is so long-winded it was a little tiring to read.

Like I said, I'm not trying to come across as rude, but there are many issues with the writing. I was also going to point out how OOC the characters were until I noticed the A/N at the beginning saying not to take this story seriously, so I won't comment on that. I do see potential in this and it is quite entertaining to read, however. Feel free to ignore all of this but I do hope you read it and respond.
kimasou chapter 12 . 9/1/2016
Ah thank you so much, Jessie! Now you just left me wondering how the next chapter will be! *glares briefly at you* Ah, but I can't stay mad at you! Your stories brighten my dull life every time! *hugs tightly and gives you a cookie*

I wonder how the sinners will react when they see those giant teddy bears. (I wanna a Sati teddy bear now! Jun-sama, can you give me one, please? *puppy eyes*)
FANactic Writer chapter 12 . 7/22/2016
Awww cute ending!~
kimasou chapter 11 . 5/15/2016
Spiders... I feel you, TomboyJessie. I also hate spiders. A really lot. Despite I'm not sure if I have arachnophobia or not...

I must say that I loved Sati here. The childish behavior of his in this chapter was hilarious. Not a pretty thing to be covered in spider bites. Plus, blowing up a room filled to the brink with black widows never end well.
FANactic Writer chapter 11 . 5/4/2016
Never go to Brazil then. I heard they sometime get spider rain. Excellent chapter by the way you nearly made me look like a heartless bitch to my sister because she said she hit her head the exact time I read a funny part in the fic and well she thought I was laughing over her pain until I explain otherwise. So good job on that. n_n b
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