Reviews for Helm over pede
vamptigergal chapter 3 . 4/3/2016
Update please? Good start so far, really has a makings to become great
Olympian-King chapter 3 . 8/26/2015
Curious I want to see how this turns out.
drift fan chapter 3 . 4/22/2015
Hi there. I recently came back to this fandom after a looong absence. I love this story of yours and hope you continue with it.
Have you ever thought of posting your story on the website Archive of our own?
Keep up the great writing.
just me chapter 3 . 4/11/2015
Ha ha, i think reviewer legit needs to take a chill pill.
I am enjoying this story immensly and would love to see where this leads. Im patient enough to wait for your update whenever inspiration strikes.
just me chapter 3 . 3/28/2015
I love this. Hope Drift remembers everything and wont let Ratchet hide from him.
Wouldnt mind some backstory about Ratchet and Pharma.
Legit chapter 3 . 3/21/2015
Another question- why is Tarn in the characters list?
Also I didn't mean a Ratchet sparked plot, I just meant a bot getting sparked.
Update soon
Legit chapter 3 . 3/21/2015
I am so confused right now. Bumblebee isn't even on the freakin' ship! He's dealing with his own scrap back on Cybertron! Do they even have comms back up? Oh yeah, they came back up in what, the THIRTEENTH ISSUE! I know because my sister has issues 1-3, 5, and 13. Damn if Swerve isn't so lonely, I feel sad for him :(
But anyway. Bumblebee's order was either VERY long in coming or something else. I'm not sure. I mean seriously, I only have up to issue 9 of RiD-IDW but still, even I can tell he's too busy to handle anything on the Lost Light
Update soon :)
Legit chapter 2 . 2/23/2015
The summary versus this chapter... Hm...
I really like this. I do. I've read one other Ratchet/Drift, and it was okay, but this sounds like it might actually have plot!
I would love it if you expressed more of Pharma and Ratchet's old relationship, because I love angst and stuff.
I hope you don't do anything like Ratchet getting sparked. That plot is way overused in this fandom.
Update soon!