Reviews for Work of Heart
StarPurpleandBlue chapter 1 . 4/4/2015
Well, it took me forever, but I loved reading this! I really like the art theme in the background and how it was because of it that Marco and Ace met again - in such an embarrassing way too XD. I definitely wasn't expecting their first meeting to have been what it was, but it was an interesting idea. Poor Ace, thinking he was the reason Sabo died and having all else thrown at him must have been terrible. I wonder if Luffy and Garp know about what he was about to do... Anyway, the story was super interesting, thanks for writing it! :D
lunarshores chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
I really enjoyed reading this fic! It's always so nice to see new Marco/Ace fics, especially long ones.

I loved how they met in the beginning, with Izo teasing Marco, and Marco looking a bit too intently, and Ace just smirking at him. It was such an interesting premise for the fic, and I really liked how Ace just came out and asked Marco to go out with them. I love seeing Ace being self confident.

Them tripping all over themselves on the coffee date was really amusing to read. They both just kept slipping up and saying things they really didn't mean to, and it was adorable.

I was surprised at how easily Marco accepted that Ace had been worshiping from afar for a while, and it seemed strange that he would forget someone he talked down from a bridge (this probably ought to have an attempted suicide warning as well). It wouldn't seem like a relationship like that would be very healthy, so it concerned me a bit.

Thatch was psychic to accuse Ace of being a stalker (that is not exactly an usual thing to suspect of someone), and that part of the story, while funny didn't seem to have any real point behind it, and since you had time issues, focusing more on their relationship might have made it easier on you.

One thing that made me very happy was the almost total lack of epithets. It was truly beautiful.

Thank you so much for writing this fic. I really enjoyed reading it, and I look forward to going through the rest of your stories!
AnyMoreBrightIdeasGenius chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
I really liked it! Thanks for for sharing your writing!
Aerle chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
I like you put in a hint of ThatchIzo ;)
In the fifth sentence, you seem to have forgotten the word 'he' (the sentence starting with "Before..." (sorry for the unasked for beta'ing ;))
Lovely story, thank you
Blue.soilder.4710 chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
Fushicho92 chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
Really love it sweets! so good. Thank you so much for sharing! *hugs*
Miss Meira chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
Aw, this is just too cute! I loved how you wrote the art class scene; I was squealing (as embarrassing as it was), especially at the part where Ace asked Marco to draw the scenery because Rose's line from Titanic suddenly popped to mind: "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls." XD And then Ace had done exactly that before they even met!

I was nervous when Marco discovered Ace's sketchbook, but it ended in a nice night of passion so I worried for nothing. XD

Anyways, I really loved it! Thank you so much for writing! :D
Nica13 chapter 1 . 2/14/2015
Poor Ace... I love your fic! Marco and Ace are just too cute together! :D
I was really curious what Ace thought Marco would hate him for if he knew about it.
Thatch was soo suspiscious. It was strange for him, but well, someone needed to be... :)