Reviews for Permanent
youngbones7 chapter 46 . 7/23
Oh my god. I can’t believe I missed this story when I’ve been reading BoB stories for a while. I’ve been sleeping on a goddamn treasure!
Lyanna Arwen Narsilia chapter 46 . 4/13
This is an amazing story!
Dani chapter 46 . 2/17
This is by far one of my favourite Band of Brothers stories! I read all 46 chapters in one sitting!
Tutti-frutti609 chapter 46 . 1/20
I love your story! Hope you update soon!
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 46 . 12/1/2019
Awww what a lovely chapter.
L.A Dreaming chapter 46 . 11/30/2019
I've missed this story for so long, this chapter had me crying omg. I'm so happy Joe's family was able to come to Christmas! All I want to do is give Joe a hug, my little Liebgott. I love him and Liz so much.
VickyP chapter 45 . 5/12/2019
Yes! Can't wait for more!
junojelli chapter 45 . 3/14/2019
Just binge read this in the last few days, I love it! Cant wait for more of Liz and Lieb!
rebeccakoch1999 chapter 45 . 2/15/2019
Can’t wait for the weddings Yay!
sarahsmiles912 chapter 45 . 2/4/2019
Loved it! So did Liz keep Muck's rosary or not? If she did then I think she should make a trip to his family.
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 45 . 2/4/2019
Loved it
MASHlover23 chapter 45 . 2/3/2019
Another wonderful chapter! I love you Ron just calls her up to catch up on the tea like a gossipy woman. I also liked how Liz stood up for herself in front of her parents. She said what she had to say.
Also, the PTSD bit with Doc Roe by my heart ache.

I was expecting only a few more chapters, not ten, which is amazing!

I definitely want to see a scene were the men in all have that serious "you hurt Liz and we'll basically kill you" chat with Leibgott before the ceremony.

Also, I'd love to see in later chapters how Liz and Joe handle marriage problems like jealousy, or not seeing each other a lot because of work.

Keep up the good work!
L.A Dreaming chapter 45 . 2/2/2019
Okay, this chapter had my crying tears of sadness then tears of laughter with Ron. He's defimy definitely favorite and I love him.
I love the idea of a New Years Eve wedding, kind of like starting a new chapter into the new year sort of thing.
In future chapters, I'd love to see Liz getting lost in San Francisco. I think it'd be amusing
Higgles123 chapter 45 . 2/2/2019
I just love this so much! Thanks for the update!
asbarthel chapter 44 . 1/29/2019
best fanfic I have ever read. Every chapter is amazing. I especially love when the guys protect liz. Keep writing!
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