Reviews for His Assistant
clacepercabeth4ever chapter 27 . 7/27
This story is really good, and I really hope you choose to continue it soon! I hope that Clary can hear out Jace's side of things so that things between them will work out, and I also really want to know what would happen with Kaelie and Sebastian next!
Guest chapter 27 . 4/29
Oh the unfairness and feminism of them all. Why is it when a girl was taken advantage of all of us are up in arms condemning it but when a guy was clearly taken advantage of we call him a cheater. We are fast to condemn him and not thinking of how he felt. And on top of it all we expected him to grovel for forgiveness. Proper communication is key to avoid all the unnecessary drama.
1Jemmagirl22 chapter 7 . 11/7/2019
oh my gods yes. first he called her m'lady, second that kiss.
aroundsundown chapter 2 . 9/27/2019
oooh why is seb so furious? indeed he was the one who got her the interview.

assuming jace is 20/21, i was so confused when i read he was only adopted 18 months ago. he was adopted after he turned 18? he’s already a legal adult then...? i had to read a couple of times to understand you probably meant he was a senior in the photograph and he was adopted 18 months prior to the date of the photograph!
SkyBell1272 chapter 27 . 9/4/2019
This is really good. I hope you continue to work on this sometime.
ZoeyWayland-Fray chapter 23 . 5/27/2019
I Love this story
Guest chapter 27 . 2/5/2019
That was a messy explanation and although that wasn’t needed and meant with my review I would say thank you for answering my review.

What I meant from tired is about the same childish shit going on in real life and fanfiction, lol! You’re writing is okay I have no problem with that. But you cannot stop me from reading because it’s here for everyone to read unless you put a password so only people who you wanted to read your work could access it. You can’t blame me from trying to read every interesting story to see if they would entertain me or pissed me more instead of relaxing me. So what to do? Just let it be.

Still, people who act violently faster than their brain or those who do shameless things and feel good about it are not my favorite kind of people.

Anticipating your update.
Momkari28 chapter 27 . 2/4/2019
Really enjoyed the story can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 27 . 2/2/2019
Ohhh damn!
This puts an interesting twist in things!
Great chapter xx
Jling chapter 27 . 2/1/2019
First of all , you should not feel like you have to explain yourself to any reader. We are so grateful that you take the time out of your busy life to give us great stories to read. Please don’t let these people discourage you. Your writing is awesome. I love where this story is going , keep up the good work!
Annabel Jones chapter 27 . 1/31/2019
LOVE IT! Kealie and Sebastian I HATE THEM SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! Poor Clary and Poor Jace. But Simon throwing a punch…. hahaha ;))))))))))))))) Keep up lovely Chey, your chapters make my day, I cannot wait for the next one. BTW where I live its around 25 C in the afternoon. :/ I wish it would snow but nooooooooooope. Hope you're okay. I LOVE YOU!
Guest chapter 27 . 1/31/2019
Oh god I hate Kaelie and Sebastian!
Guest chapter 26 . 1/31/2019
Well ths kind of shit is tiring. Could you do a dfferent twist to it and not make Kaelie get away with it just like that? And also punch Simon back? Because Clary is simply narrow minded and weak to face Jace and let him explain first before storming out like a child whose favorite toy was stolen. And for Kaelie to have a slut shaming for once because although kissing is not a crime it could ruin other people’s lives especally those who wouldn’t hear reason first. As for Simon I didn’t see anything manly going on there, again just a petty childlike behavior who doesn’t want to clear things in an intellectual way. Why do people easily resort to violence and/or do shameless acts and feel good doing it is an age old trait of animals.
Bastille's Club chapter 26 . 1/31/2019
I really like the chapter, specially Simon punching poor Jace and telling him exactly why he did it
Hope you update soon.
Debra Williams chapter 26 . 1/31/2019
Oh Thank God ! That sneaky SNAKE Kaelie!
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