Reviews for The Ships You're Looking For
CDR. Grae chapter 6 . 1/23
Oh no, you're not going to continue this? I can't say I/m not sad, but if you really don't want to write anymore, it's okay. I just want you to know that this has been a delightful journey of what-ifs about ships and I couldn't have imagined half of the pairings here, but your writing made it happen and now I'll be hunting for more, if I can find some. I love this so much and hope you will come back to it one day. Thank you again!
CDR. Grae chapter 4 . 1/23
Very sailable lmao, I rarely see Luminara and Gree paired together but this was fantastic! Now I need more fics of them asap! XD Also, this whole chapter has me both hurting and sympathizing with Luminara, and Gree repeatedly trying to comfort her while saying the wrong things is very endearing. I still don't like Barriss for hurting so many people and it kinda disappoints me that we never saw Luminara's or the 41st's reaction in canon. This is very beautifully written, thank you.
CDR. Grae chapter 2 . 1/23
I always like fics who portray Fox as misunderstood. Everyone always seem to pair him with Padme, and I agree. Her kindness and toughness is good for him and his desperately hidden vulnerability. I'd love to see more of Fox and Padme please! XD
Peregrine chapter 4 . 1/10/2019
I'm giving this a 9. I fully support this ship, and I wish we'd seen Luminara's reaction to Barriss' actions.
Peregrine chapter 1 . 1/8/2019
Honestly, I'd give this a 2. I think Tup and Ahsoka have a more brother-sister relationship, but this is still super cute.
Iluvpeacocks11 chapter 6 . 11/30/2015
This is AMAZING I hope you write more
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2015
MILLENNIUM FALCON! AHDBRIRBSKDVSMXBKAAAAA! MILLENNIUM FALCON! *flails then promptly dies* *reread* *comes back to life* Brilliant! Brilliant, I tell you, Brilliant I say! Pleaaaase don't quit I love your style and your ideas! *sobs* I love Tupsoka so much now.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/12/2015
These are... I honestly have no words for how magnificent these ships are, like Fives/Ahsoka, Gree/Luminara, and Blitz/Shaak Ti, all freaking Death Stars. The rest, Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts. Love them. So unbearably adorable and completely shippable. Love your writing style and design, and the situations are completely belivable. I know you said you were calling it quits, but I hope you reconsider, your imagination is splendid and I hope desperately that you will update some more of your precious ideas and ships so that they may sail for all eternity.
soveryradical chapter 4 . 6/11/2015
I love this fic so much! I think I might be actually blushing right now at some of these scenes. They're all great!

I hope you read this, because I drew some fanart for the Luminara/Gree scene at the end, because I love it so much. here: post/121260774750/the-ships-youre-looking-for-gave-me-all-sorts

This fic made my life infinitely better.
cozzizzie chapter 6 . 4/14/2015
""Can I just take you with me... everywhere?" Blitz found himself saying." *sigh* Another lovely chapter :-)

All your ships are unsinkable, and not in a Titanic way ;-) Sorry to hear you are not continuing with this little series. You have your reasons, so that's good enough for me, but you do have an amazing talent for writing. :-)

All the best,
Ty chapter 6 . 4/8/2015
I'm so sad that you stopped writing... :/ I've really enjoyed your writing. Maybe one day you'll write for a profession because your writing is absolutely phenomenal! :) Thanks for the stories you did post :)
blueravenchick chapter 6 . 4/5/2015
I love your unique ships and I hope you decide to write some more! I know many of us will miss them!
Sildae chapter 6 . 4/4/2015
Aw. :'(

I hope you'll reconsider discontinuing altogether, because I love this series and LOVE your writing. You're immersive and so incredibly detailed; you take things that we just get a glimpse of in the SW universe and just infuse so much more /life/ to it.

Example in point, the lovely Commander Blitz. The fallout after the Battle of Kamino is so incredibly painful, and you dive right into that pain; the duty of sending the dead soldiers to their last rest, yet how that pain is dulled by the sheer magnitude of dead - grown soldiers or even the almost-casual reminder of just how many thousands of infant clones were killed.

But those details are never broad-scope; everything is so very personal to him, so we see these details play out through his own exhaustion and pain.

Enter Shaak-Ti. Hoo, the last thing Blitz wants to deal with is the chain of command, and the fact that he /is/ the chain of command hits like a brick. But Ti, intuitive and gentle as ever, seems fully aware of every bit of pain Blitz is going through and has absolutely no qualms in lifting that burden from his shoulders, and that is /beautiful/.

Not gonna lie, I misread the part where he left the fresher at first and thought he was standing there in his vatting suit, with Nala Se getting a good peek over Ti's shoulder. As much as I'm sure that would be a very enjoyable view, for Blitz's sake, I'm glad he had his pants on.

But uuuurgh, delicious bit of yum when he goes in for the kiss. Ti had better be on her toes; he's feisty! And his kisses her fingers! *flails* (played that over and over in my head; le sigh.)

But I love the fact that it ended on a bond of brotherhood. Poor Sten. :( Poor Blitz. After all they've been through, that was so perfect.

sexiespikelover chapter 6 . 4/3/2015
Awwww... :/ I'm gonna miss You. :/ I'm just gonna pretend you're taking a break and you're coming back, okay? You're such a fantastic writer. I mean seriously. I was looking forward to this update for so long. You didn't disappoint. I'd ship it. :) I absolutely love the way you write. I get lost in your stories. It's like I'm there. There's so much detail. You're incredibly fantastic. Just know that. And I'll be mostly patiently, hopefully awaiting your return. ;)
Nene chapter 6 . 4/3/2015
Hi. Your ships are awesome. I love your stories and look forward to each new one that comes out. Even though you may feel unappreciated, know that there is someone somewhere who greatly appreciates your writing. Please don't give up on writing. Keep up the good work.
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