Reviews for Giving in
AsherSalazar-Malfoy chapter 16 . 6/5
Minerva, darling, that was probably the hottest make-out session you will ever see, so dont go fainting on us!
AsherSalazar-Malfoy chapter 12 . 6/4
LUCY! humph, no need to tell lies
AsherSalazar-Malfoy chapter 3 . 6/4
Truley and Royally screwed.
Mamy 83 chapter 22 . 5/25
Pourquoi les meilleures histoires ne sont jamais terminées, c'est assez frustrant de se dire qu'on ne connaîtra probablement jamais la fin. Dommage
XxFanFicObsessedxX chapter 22 . 4/26
I love the concept but I think this story needs rewritten.
Remstar1212 chapter 22 . 11/12/2019
alex chapter 8 . 10/27/2019
hex my curiosity, to the next chapter.
aquarius89 chapter 22 . 10/15/2019
I love the story please update soon. Want to read what happens next. How are you doing?
mumphie chapter 22 . 10/8/2019
I hope that you will come back to this. It has been a fun story. :)
There are things that I am wondering about. What about Harry's things - his invisibility cloak, map, photo album, broom and Hedwig? Will he be able to find out about being Sirius' heir? Will he find out about his potter heritage? Could he call Dobby to get his possessions, or could one of his adult friends help? What will Hermione's reaction be? Will her love of authority override her love of her best friend? Or, will she join him? What about the twins? How will Neville take the news? Will Dumbles be thwarted?
mumphie chapter 18 . 10/8/2019
I like this new style. :)
mumphie chapter 9 . 10/8/2019
This has been a fun story. I loved McGonagall's last minute plan. Made me laugh.

..."savage manors"... grin So, I never knew Voldy's home could be so ferocious! But, how he acts, his manners - yes, I agree. ;)

just a typo - dinning room - dining room
DONE394 chapter 4 . 1/29/2019
Kindly separate your paragraphs. Not everyone has the eyesight that can take in that much information all at once.
DONE394 chapter 3 . 1/29/2019
again, not capitalising certain words... like Wormtail.
DONE394 chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
well, the only thing I would change is that you did not capitalise Harry and Potter in the disclaimer, other than that, decent job
Guest chapter 6 . 1/4/2019
Albus will never find harry potter or Severus snape.
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