Reviews for Shots Fired
AgentAIeisa94 Marvel chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
Really awesome! Loved this!
Cool! Skye! Go go Quake! Will you write Sharon/Skye? do it please!
Meneldur chapter 1 . 4/24/2015
...And I also missed this. Well, I think this is the last, so:

Well, no idea about the game, but it sounds like fun, even if game mechanics are frustrating Natasha. I find that highly amusing, though - I really enjoy that trope where expert marksmen aren't as good with shooting games.

Heh. I enjoyed Sharon. That part about Peggy's sloppy seconds was sharp, and her berating Natasha was also amusing.

Oh, I can see Sophie Turner as Natasha. That is awesome. I can also totally see her marketing the script for that. It would make a far better movie than whatever anyone else wrote as well. And nice reference to Skye. Natasha's gaydar is an interesting idea... if it's immaculate, does that mean 100% success rate? Because Sharon appears very resistant so far...

What did Kate go through in this that she 'of all people' understands that no means no? Also, love how Nat is 'Father', and Bobbi's alarm and Sharon's amusement. And I'm surprised you didn't use 'My brain's awake so I'm awake'.

Nat has the best stories. I loved that story, though I have to wonder about Bobbi not remembering it... is that because Natasha' exaggerating, or because she really was that concussed? Also, wonderful how Kate thinks that's so romantic, but has common sense as well.

Jen Walters? She's aiming high, eh? And nice pun there with 'Dream big'. Though she could always aim for Red She Hulk when she completely Hulks out.

Ooh, score! Bobbi's annoyance was amusing, as was Sharon's amusement. I love her sass and casual humor. And that seems like a perfect set up with Lillian. All the goods - redhead, piercings...

Anyway, nice oneshot, amusing, not too serious, not too much stuff that may get deleted - in other words, excellent.
Veedramon chapter 1 . 3/6/2015
This just doesn't work for me without a "How did we get there" Flashback. I can accept Bobbi and Natasha together, the two together with kids, and one being adopted and and NOT being the Faith we know needs some build up.